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Can anyone help me get rid of a double manipulate box?

Posted 12 years ago
I have a nearly finished demonstration with two buttons to click for two different objects sliding but there are two manipulate boxes. One to slide the object inside another box to pick which object. Does anyone know how to make it in one box?
POSTED BY: Jennifer Sieben
2 Replies
From the little i have to go on, i'm thinking you may be using two manipulate functions inside each other... Perhaps something like this:
 (*the first slider variable used here*)
 (*your code here including second slider variable*)
 (*manipulation of the second slider variable*)
 (*manipulation of first slider variable*)
to bring them both into one manipulat you can put a comma between maipulations, something like this:
(*code, including first and second manipulateable variables*)
{manipulate first variable},
{manipulate second variable}
hope this helped, but next time please be clearer on what your problem is, and if there's no privacy concerns, post the problematic area's of your code! :emoticon
POSTED BY: Sevy Ride
Hello, Jennifer, welcome to Wolfram Community! Please be more specific about your questions, otherwise people will not be able to help you. It is a good practice to condense your code to a minimal example that reflects your issue and post it. Without it there is not much we can do.
POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov
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