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Something About The Automated Stippling Drawing

POSTED BY: Silvia Hao
9 Replies
Posted 3 years ago
POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

Nice work Sylvia. I am exploring your code for some of my work. I have most of it running on Mathematica 12 on the Mac. I am having trouble with the Hatching block of code here.

Module[{strokeLength, strokeOrient, dens, stroke},
Function[{x, y},
dens = densityFunc[x, y];
strokeLength = .03 dens^.3 (1 + .1 RandomReal[{-1, 1}]);
strokeOrient = ?/
3 + ?/6 (1 - (2 dens - 1)^2)^20 RandomReal[{-1, 1}];
stroke = strokeLength Through[{Cos, Sin}[strokeOrient]];
{{x, y} - stroke, {x, y} + stroke}
] @@@ refinedPts // Line // Graphics[{AbsoluteThickness[0], #}] &

For some reason there are two ? (Question marks) showing up on my browser at Line 5 and Line 6!! Could you help identify what variables these question marks correspond to? I suspect they are the source of my issue. Thanks Murali

Does anyone know what is the fix for this line:

Line[Identity @@@ MeshPrimitives[#, 1]]

My version (Windows V10.1) says:

Identity::argx: Identity called with 2 arguments; 1 argument is expected. >>

Is this related to my version of Mathematica?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

POSTED BY: Aeyoss Antelope

enter image description here - another post of yours has been selected for the Staff Picks group, congratulations !

We are happy to see you at the top of the "Featured Contributor" board. Thank you for your wonderful contributions, and please keep them coming!

POSTED BY: Moderation Team
Posted 9 years ago

Robot can make a color point on paper, usually a round disk. The disk diameter can be changed in a range, and the color can be changed also.

It looks like ImageEffect, "Oil Painting", but ImageEffect is not cool enough, and it has no processing output. enter image description here

I am looking for a program has a painting processing (like your last example) to guide a robot. Meanwhile, the painting points can overlap, but less overlapping area to save oil or color material. The whole painting can be made just two or three loops, then finish all the works. What's you opinion?

POSTED BY: Frederick Wu
Posted 9 years ago

Wow ! This post is almost same quality level as The Mathematica Journal.

Hi Silvia, Your last image style looks like many different squares overlapping each other with big area. I am working on a small project, we try to use a robot to make or fake a painting. If the processing like your last image, which have many small graphics overlapping each other, it's take very long time and waste too many painting material. Will you suggest some simple algorithms or methods for this kind of robot application? Maybe, the small key graphics is a disk (like a painting point). Those layers are not too many (maybe 3-4 layers), but the color points are more average distributed on a whole paper?

POSTED BY: Frederick Wu

Hi @Frederick Wu . Thank you very much for your replying!

I myself was very much interested in making a painting machine, too!

The last example in my post is not optimized for real painting purpose. A region overlapping check can be done to avoid shadowed strokes. Also, instead of square shape strokes, other shapes, such as disk, ellipse, strip, etc., can be considered.

I'm not sure how is your machine painting. Is it using real oil brushes? How will you ensure it replicate the desired stroke shape? How will you precisely mix the colors? Will you use computer vision to guide the process or is it a blind process?

I would really love to have more detailed conversation with you on the topic!

POSTED BY: Silvia Hao
Posted 9 years ago

Hi @Silvia Hao,

I am very glad to know you on Wolfram community. It's very proud, we have so good female Mathematica player in Beijing. ^_^

I find a few videos below for you, so you can just watch and get the idea of robot painting. From my view point, the robot is nothing too new, but I believe, there are still many space for AI and algorithm.

e-David Robot ( use camera with robot, possible camera feedback for color control )

e-David Robot ( points and lines make a drawing )

7-Bot (small robot but low cost, for personal desktop )

POSTED BY: Frederick Wu

Hi Fred, thank you very much! (Though I'd prefer to hide the gender behind my code :)

And thank you for your videos! Very interesting! Are you making / planning to make a painting machine yourself? It would be great if we can have some words on your thought and design shared here!

POSTED BY: Silvia Hao
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