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Wolfram Alpha and Wolfram Language

Posted 9 years ago

A naive question from someone who did asembly language 45 years ago.

Not conceptually, but from a "how to...", how does one incorporate Wolfram Alpha using Wolfram language? Thanks, Neil

POSTED BY: Neil Salkind
5 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks for the good advice..

POSTED BY: Neil Salkind

In addition to the good answers above you should take a look at Entity based computation, for example:

EntityValue[Entity["Bridge", "GoldenGate"], "LongestSpan"]
(*Quantity[1280, "Meters"]*)

See Knowledge Representation & Access. That's the latest architecture that brings W|A knowledge into WL. WL is a knowledge-based language. You should take a look also at:

Stephen Wolfram's Introduction to the Wolfram Language

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Kaurov

Also, you can type == before your query, and then your query will be parsed by Wolfram Alpha.

POSTED BY: Kathryn Cramer
Posted 9 years ago

Yes David and thank you. I'll try some examples later today. Thanks again. Neil

POSTED BY: Neil Salkind

Is this the sort of information that you are curious about: how to call WolframAlpha programatically from the Wolfram Language?

POSTED BY: David Reiss
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