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Changes in 10.3.1

Posted 9 years ago

Is it possible to get more detailed list of what was changed in 10.3.1 so one could appreciate it more?

I'm especially interested in changes in DynamicModule, ActionMenu and Frames, documentation doesn't seem to reflect any changes.

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki
6 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

For those owning 10.3, how tothey update to 10.3.1? Do they have to purchase mathematica again?

Isn't it free update? I am talking about a registered license.

POSTED BY: Tom Zinger

I'm 99% percent 10.3.1 is a free upgrade for people who have 10.3. The idea is those kinds of updgrades are bug fixes with no real new features.

You should see 10.3.1 in your Wolfram User Portal. If not, then your university or site license should be able to hook you up with 10.3.1.

If for some reason you can't, contact wolfram customer service:

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Posted 9 years ago

I've got 10.3.0 Home Edition with no option to download the upgrade. In the recent past, I used to get these bug-fix upgrades for free when I kept my professional license more-or-less up to date (10.0.2, for example). But not with the Home Edition.

I haven't bothered asking Customer Support for the bug-fix upgrade, but if I have to pay for it, I'll just wait for the next major release.

POSTED BY: Glen Deering

Changes since 10.3.0? Minor releases typically have bug fixes which are not documented. What specific changes are you interested in? If just changes between 10.3.0 and 10.3.1 you can simply run the same code in each and see fi there is a difference affecting a particular bug you may have interest in.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

I've said what I'm interested in, the last bullet point which says:

Many user interface updates, including to DynamicModule, ActionMenu, and Frames

I'm asking because I've not noticed anything. I know I can check if a specific bug is fixed but I don't have time to chceck if all. In case of ActionMenu I'm not sure if I recall any major problem, the more I'm interested in what was changed.

I don't want to sound negative, I'm just curious.

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki

In the Documentation Center there is a link on a function's page at the top right hand corner that says "Updated: Show Changes" which you can click on to highlight changes since the previous major release. Also at the bottom left hand corner of the page is further history information. So, yes, I am puzzled about any changes in ActionMenu for example: I don't know of any and none are listed on the page--last significant change seems to be in Version 8. DynamicModule was updated in version 10 by adding the (very much needed) SaveDefintions option along with other things.

I am guessing that the final bullet in the list at the link you posted has to do with bug fixes--I agree that it is oddly worded to suggest that there are significant changes in design functionality aside from fixing internal bugs.

All fo the other bullets on that page are worded to indicate that they are bug fixes and modifications to already deployed functionality.

Perhaps a WRI employee can comment.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
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