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How to convert an equation or formula written in Wolfram Language to SAS?

Posted 9 years ago

Is there anyone know if I can convert an equation or formula, which I created on Mathematica, to other programs, such as SAS or R. For example, how to convert an equation (d^6) ((ee - ff)^2) ((jj - kk)^2) on Mathematica to (d6)((ee - ff)2)((jj - kk)2), which will be run on SAS?


POSTED BY: genie kim
2 Replies

You can usually write simple programs that will do this for simple pieces of code. For "C" and "Fortran" there are functions for this called CForm and Fortran form. Usually the easiest way to do this is to call these functions and to make whatever minor adjustments distinguish the language you are using.

Alternatively, for more complicated computations, you might consider using the EmbedCode function.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

There is an approach in this MSE thread that should be adaptable to your needs.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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