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How do I perform this Plot3D?

Hi all,

Suppose I want to do a 3D plot with a well-defined function p(x,y,z,w) at .z=5,w=4. How should I accomplish this?

I tried


but it didn't work.

I am quite unfamiliar with this language and wish that you can help me on this.

Thank you in advance!

6 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Your statement looks OK to me. Except you say in the text you want to plot p(x,y,5,4]) -- incorrect syntax and different symbol -- than your code, which is f[x,y,5,4] and looks correct. Maybe you could post your code in a code block?

POSTED BY: David Keith
abarS := (-2 thB + 
     2 thB^2 xi + \[Sqrt]((2 thB - 2 thB^2 xi)^2 - 
        4 (-thB + thB^2 xi) (2 - 2 thB - xi - 2 thB xi + 3 thB^2 xi + 
           2 thB xi^2 - 2 thB^2 xi^2 + 2 thB Log[thB] - 
           4 thB xi Log[thB] - 2 thB^2 xi Log[thB] + 
           2 thB xi^2 Log[thB] + 4 thB^2 xi^2 Log[thB] - 
           2 thB^2 xi^3 Log[thB] + 2 thB Log[1 - xi] - 
           4 thB xi Log[1 - xi] - 2 thB^2 xi Log[1 - xi] + 
           2 thB xi^2 Log[1 - xi] + 4 thB^2 xi^2 Log[1 - xi] - 
           2 thB^2 xi^3 Log[1 - xi] - 2 thB Log[1 - thB xi] + 
           4 thB xi Log[1 - thB xi] + 2 thB^2 xi Log[1 - thB xi] - 
           2 thB xi^2 Log[1 - thB xi] - 
           4 thB^2 xi^2 Log[1 - thB xi] + 
           2 thB^2 xi^3 Log[1 - thB xi])))/(2 (2 - 2 thB - xi - 
       2 thB xi + 3 thB^2 xi + 2 thB xi^2 - 2 thB^2 xi^2 + 
       2 thB Log[thB] - 4 thB xi Log[thB] - 2 thB^2 xi Log[thB] + 
       2 thB xi^2 Log[thB] + 4 thB^2 xi^2 Log[thB] - 
       2 thB^2 xi^3 Log[thB] + 2 thB Log[1 - xi] - 
       4 thB xi Log[1 - xi] - 2 thB^2 xi Log[1 - xi] + 
       2 thB xi^2 Log[1 - xi] + 4 thB^2 xi^2 Log[1 - xi] - 
       2 thB^2 xi^3 Log[1 - xi] - 2 thB Log[1 - thB xi] + 
       4 thB xi Log[1 - thB xi] + 2 thB^2 xi Log[1 - thB xi] - 
       2 thB xi^2 Log[1 - thB xi] - 4 thB^2 xi^2 Log[1 - thB xi] + 
       2 thB^2 xi^3 Log[1 - thB xi]));

xbar := abarS*xi*(1 - thB)/(1 - xi*thB);
c := 1/(abarS*xi*(1 - thB) + xi*thB - 
     abarS*thB*xi*(1 - xi)*Log (thB*(1 - xi)/(1 - xi*thB)));
f1[x_, thB_, xi_] := 
 Piecewise[{{c*(1 - abarS*thB*xi*(1 - xi)/(abarS*xi - x)), 
    0 <= x <= xbar}, {xbar <= x <= 1, c*xi*thB}}, 0]
jointf1[x1_, x2_, thB_, xi_] := 
  Piecewise[{{1 >= x1 > x2, 2*f1[x1, thB, xi]*f1[x2, thB, xi]}}, 0];
jointd1[a1_, a2_] := 
  Integrate[jointf1[x1, x2], {x2, 0, a2}, {x1, 0, a1}, 
   Assumptions -> 
    0 < thB < 1 && 0 < xi < 1 && 0 < xbar < 1 && 0 < abarS < 1];
Plot3D[jointf1[x1, x2, 0.5, 0.91], {x1, 0, 1}, {x2, 0, 1}]

Thank you for your reply.

Let me explain: abarS, xbar and c are expressions of thB and xi. And jointf1 is defined as a function of four variables.

But when I try to plot the jointf1 with thB=0.5, xi=0.91, the code gives empty plot. Is there a problem in my code?

Thanks again!

Posted 9 years ago


I had a very cursory look at your code. It seems to me that where things go wrong is in the statement where you define jointd1: you integrate over jointf1 which you write here as a function of 2 variables, while three lines up it's defined as a function of 4 variables. I think this is where your code goes wrong.


POSTED BY: Rene Samson

Hi Rene,

Thank you for your help. It was indeed a mistake.

But what I was trying to plot is a function that is well defined. I suspect that the definition of jointd1 should not affect the Plot3D of jointf1, or it is not? Thanks.


Posted 9 years ago

Hi Huang,

Also, in the definition of c, you call Log as Log() rather than Log[ ]. A good way to begin troubleshooting is to evaluate jointf1 with 4 numerical arguments, which is what Plot3D will do. It must return a number.

Best, David

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 9 years ago


You're right on that point. The plot should come out OK in spite of the error in the integration. My comment was too hasty. René

POSTED BY: Rene Samson
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