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Downloadable help for Raspberry Pi Mathematica 10.3?

Posted 9 years ago


I am happy to hear the Raspberry Pi version of Mathematica 10.3 has been released. I am wondering if it now possible to install the Help system either from a licensed copy of Mathematica or via download.

The online help provided has the distinct disadvantage that it requires a constant internet connection. I would like to introduce Raspberry Pi and Mathematica to locations with no regular connection (developing countries). Without a readily accessible help system it's not really possible to fully exploit the program.

POSTED BY: Tawanda Gwena

Same as in the Raspberry-forum:

You simply can download everything here

Just click on "Download free PDF" for the manual you want. Save them and you can open them with a PDF-reader wherever you like.

POSTED BY: Michael Steffen
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