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Multiplying 4x4 matrices with complicated elements - taking long time

Posted 9 years ago

I'm very new to Mathematica and to programming. Complete computer novice. I might be coming at my problem from too mathematical a viewpoint

Basically what I'm trying to do is find the transmission of a generic wave through a series of potential barriers with spin orbit interaction and a magnetic field. Now, I can do all the maths, but at a certain point you have to compute these hideous 4x4 matrices so I hoped mathematica could do that part for me and give me graphs.

I want to keep the functions as general as possible until right at the end so I can input parameters right at the graphing stage. But the evaluation gets so big that graphs take hours to plot even over small ranges. Also, the calculation is complicated enough that even if I define 5 out of 6 variables and only keep the variable I want to us as x axis, the evaluation uses up all of my memory and quits before it even finishes.

I don't understand parallelization - and the little bit of experimenting I've done returns <<cannot be parallelized>> messages.

The crucial line is

Anz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] = 
 Inverse[L[((n - 1)/2) (a + d), kx]].Smz[a, d, kx, l, 
   g].(MatrixPower[Sz[a, d, kx, l, g], (n - 3)/2]).L[a, kx]

Where L, Smz and Sz are all 4x4 matrices with huge elements. Like so huge I cannot post even one here.

Please help, My computation as is isn't even as complicated as it need to be and it takes hours to plot a single graph!

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
35 Replies

Without posting more details I'm afraid there is little that can be helped. We don't know SMz and Sz and L functions...

Doing MatrixPowers on symbolic expressions creates crazy big and complicated matrices very quickly, i think 'powering' numbers (not symbols) makes way more sense...

Please post the notebook!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

I kinda figured you'd need more info. But I didn't want to spam everyone right away! Here is everything I have with annotations. In desperation I have also attached the file. Any tips at all would be appreciated.

P.S. I should say that the end goal of this will be to plot that value of T[n,a,d,kx,l,g] {k,-10,10} without it taking infinite time.


$Assumptions = a > 0 && d > 0 && l > 0 && g > 0 && n \[Element] Integers;

Hamiltonian for region with SOI and Zeeman field:

Hsoz[qx_, l_, g_] = {{-g, 0, px + I py, -2 I l}, {0, g, 0, px + I py}, {px - I py, 0, -g, 
  0}, {2 I l, px - I py, 0, g}}

Evals[qx_, l_, g_] = Simplify[Eigenvalues[Hsoz[qx, l, g]]];

Ez1[qx_, l_, g_] = Evals[qx, l, g][[1]];
Ez2[qx_, l_, g_] = Evals[qx, l, g][[2]];
Ez3[qx_, l_, g_] = Evals[qx, l, g][[3]];
Ez4[qx_, l_, g_] = Evals[qx, l, g][[4]];

Evecs[qx_, l_, g_] = Simplify[Eigenvectors[Hsoz[qx, l, g]]];

Normalization below (I suspect there is a better way to do this)

n1[qx_, l_, g_] = g^2 + l^2 + Sqrt[l^4 + g^2 qx^2 + l^2 qx^2];
n2[qx_, l_, g_] = g^2 + l^2 - Sqrt[l^4 + g^2 qx^2 + l^2 qx^2];

Nz1[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[1. + (Abs[l]^2*Abs[qx]^2 + Abs[l*(Ez1[qx, l, g] + g)]^2)/
    Abs[Ez1[qx, l, g]*g + n2[qx, l, g]]^2 + 
    Abs[Ez1[qx, l, g]*(n1[qx, l, g] - g^2) + 
       g*(n1[qx, l, g] - g^2 - qx^2)]^2/(
    Abs[Ez1[qx, l, g]*g + n2[qx, l, g]]^2*Abs[qx]^2)];
Nz2[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[1. + (Abs[l]^2*Abs[qx]^2 + Abs[l*(Ez2[qx, l, g] + g)]^2)/
    Abs[Ez2[qx, l, g]*g + n2[qx, l, g]]^2 + 
    Abs[Ez2[qx, l, g]*(n1[qx, l, g] - g^2) + 
       g*(n1[qx, l, g] - g^2 - qx^2)]^2/(
    Abs[Ez2[qx, l, g]*g + n2[qx, l, g]]^2*Abs[qx]^2)];
Nz3[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[1. + (Abs[l]^2*Abs[qx]^2 + Abs[l*(Ez3[qx, l, g] + g)]^2)/
    Abs[Ez3[qx, l, g]*g + n1[qx, l, g]]^2 + 
    Abs[Ez3[qx, l, g]*(n2[qx, l, g] - g^2) + 
       g*(n2[qx, l, g] - g^2 - qx^2)]^2/(
    Abs[Ez3[qx, l, g]*g + n1[qx, l, g]]^2*Abs[qx]^2)];
Nz4[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[1. + (Abs[l]^2*Abs[qx]^2 + Abs[l*(Ez4[qx, l, g] + g)]^2)/
    Abs[Ez4[qx, l, g]*g + n1[qx, l, g]]^2 + 
    Abs[Ez4[qx, l, g]*(n2[qx, l, g] - g^2) + 
       g*(n2[qx, l, g] - g^2 - qx^2)]^2/(
    Abs[Ez4[qx, l, g]*g + n1[qx, l, g]]^2*Abs[qx]^2)];

wz1[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[(1./Sqrt[Nz1[qx, l, g]]) Evecs[qx, l, g][[1]]];
wz2[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[(1./Sqrt[Nz2[qx, l, g]]) Evecs[qx, l, g][[2]]];
wz3[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[(1./Sqrt[Nz3[qx, l, g]]) Evecs[qx, l, g][[3]]];
wz4[qx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[(1./Sqrt[Nz4[qx, l, g]]) Evecs[qx, l, g][[4]]];

Conservation of energy:

qz3x[kx_, l_, g_] = Sqrt[
  g^2 + kx^2 - 2 Sqrt[g^2 kx^2 - g^2 l^2 + kx^2 l^2]];
qz4x[kx_, l_, g_] = Sqrt[
  g^2 + kx^2 + 2 Sqrt[g^2 kx^2 - g^2 l^2 + kx^2 l^2]];

Generic wave equation constructed:

M1[x_, kx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[wz3[qz3x[kx, l, g], l, g]*E^(I qz3x[kx, l, g] x)];
M2[x_, kx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[wz4[qz4x[kx, l, g], l, g]*E^(I qz4x[kx, l, g] x)];
M3[x_, kx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[wz3[-qz3x[kx, l, g], l, g]*E^(-I qz3x[kx, l, g] x)];
M4[x_, kx_, l_, g_] = 
  Simplify[wz4[-qz4x[kx, l, g], l, g]*E^(-I qz4x[kx, l, g] x)];

And in matrix form:

Mz[x_, kx_, l_, g_] = ({
    {M1[x, kx, l, g][[1]], M2[x, kx, l, g][[1]], M3[x, kx, l, g][[1]],
      M4[x, kx, l, g][[1]]},
    {M1[x, kx, l, g][[2]], M2[x, kx, l, g][[2]], M3[x, kx, l, g][[2]],
      M4[x, kx, l, g][[2]]},
    {M1[x, kx, l, g][[3]], M2[x, kx, l, g][[3]], M3[x, kx, l, g][[3]],
      M4[x, kx, l, g][[3]]},
    {M1[x, kx, l, g][[4]], M2[x, kx, l, g][[4]], M3[x, kx, l, g][[4]],
      M4[x, kx, l, g][[4]]}

Hamiltonian for region without SOI and Zeeman field:

L[x_, kx_] = 1./Sqrt[2.] ({{E^(I kx x), 0, -E^(-I kx x), 0},
{0, E^(I kx x), 0, -E^(-I kx x)},
{E^(I kx x), 0, E^(-I kx x), 0},
{0, E^(I kx x), 0, E^(-I kx x)}});

Generalising for potential barriers of width "d" every "a" units of distance

Sl[a_, kx_] = Simplify[L[2 a + d, kx].Inverse[L[a + d, kx]]];

Where it starts to really slow down

Smz[a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] = Mz[a + d, kx, l, g].Inverse[Mz[a, kx, l, g]];

Sz[a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] = Sl[a, kx].Smz[a, d, kx, l, g];

Impossible to compute beyond here. Even takes forever if I define every variable:

Anz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := Inverse[L[((n - 1)/2) (a + d), kx]].Smz[a, d, kx, l, 
   g].(MatrixPower[Sz[a, d, kx, l, g], (n - 3)/2]).L[a, kx]

Tferz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := ({
   {1, 0, -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[1, 3]], -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[1,4]]},
   {0, 1, -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[2, 3]], -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[2,4]]},
   {0, 0, -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[3, 3]], -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[3,4]]},
   {0, 0, -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[4, 3]], -Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[4,4]]}})

Auz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := Inverse[Tferz[n, a, d, kx, l, g]].{{Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[1,1]]}, {Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[2,1]]}, {Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[3,1]]}, {Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[4,1]]}}

Tuz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := Abs[Auz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[1]]]^2 + Abs[Auz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[2]]]^2

Ruz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := 1 - Tuz[n, a, d, kx, l, g]

Adz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := Inverse[Tferz[n, a, d, kx, l, g]].{{Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[1, 2]]}, {Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[2, 2]]}, {Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[3, 2]]}, {Anz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[4, 2]]}}

Tdz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := Abs[Adz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[1]]]^2 + Abs[Adz[n, a, d, kx, l, g][[2]]]^2
Rdz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := 1 - Tdz[n, a, d, kx, l, g]

Tz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := (Tuz[n, a, d, kx, l, g] + Tdz[n, a, d, kx, l, g])/2.
Rz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := 1 - Tz[n, a, d, kx, l, g]
POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes

If you define everything with := rather than =, and just evaluate it numerically (machine numbers), it should be quite fast right? Doing this symbolically will probably be a nightmare anyhow, I quickly inspected the code, if you substitute everything inside each other it will be a HUGE expression. And evaluating this huge expression numerically probably takes longer than just evaluating it numerically directly. Have you tried?

I would not expect any sensical answer to appear with all these nested definitions.

I see only function definitions, what do you want to do with it in the end?

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

In the end I want to make plots of T[n,a,d,kx,l,g] {k,-10,10} for various values of the other variables (and eventually want to include an angular dependence but I'm a ways from that yet)

I have played around with := for the parts that take a long time to evaluate, but when I try to make a graph the kernel eventually times out and mathematica shuts down.

I don't quite know what you mean by "numerically" and "numerically directly"

Thank you for responding.

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes

When you make the definitions, like you do know, it will evaluate it already and thus 'copying/replacing' the definition that occur in it. Since your definitions are very much nested, it will nest all these functions inside each other symbolically:

Compare the two ways of defining functions (immediate and delayed assignment):

a[m_]:=m b[m]

a[m_]=m b[m]

Have you tried to evaluate T for some suitable numbers when you have all your definitions done using := (this way the kernel will not die of memory requirements because it does not substitute all the sub-definitions inside each other)

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

To add, and please put the numbers with a period in it: 3.0 (not 3) et cetera. So you will trigger the usage of machine numbers rather then exact arithmetic.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Yes, do all the definitions using := to stop Mathematica from substituting everything inside each other... Could you give me some 'typical' values for the function T you want to calculate?

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

and the function T itself would also be useful ;)

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

In your function L[x,kx]... your exponent are k*x not kx. and SL should be:

Sl[a_, kx_, d_] := Simplify[L[2 a + d, kx].Inverse[L[a + d, kx]]]

I presume?

If I remove all the simplify commands, and I run:

Table[Tz[5.0, 0.23, 0.12, k, 0.01, 0.09], {k, DeleteCases[Range[-10.0, 10.0], 0.0]}]

it takes roughly takes 15 seconds. But there might be still an error as it return a 1D vector, not a number. Is that correct. I can further optimize it a lot, because you recalculate Evals and Evecs many times.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

DeleteCases does what is kind-a says: it delete certain cases, in this case 0.0 is removed from the list, as Tz blows up for k=0. No i meant that 'Tz' returns a vector (of 1 value) not just a value. is that correct?

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

I sped it up another factor 10 just now, but there is still lots to go. I'm sure.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

I don't see a difference!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

That is because I copy and pasted the same thing twice!

Should have read:

Anz[a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := 
 Inverse[L[(a + d), kx]].Smz[a, d, kx, l, g].Sz[a, d, kx, l, g].L[a, 

should read:

Anz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := 
 Inverse[L[((n - 1)/2) (a + d), kx]].Smz[a, d, kx, l, 
   g].(MatrixPower[Sz[a, d, kx, l, g], (n - 3)/2]).L[a, kx]

Sorry about that

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes

I sped it up a bit more (factor of 6-7). A single value now takes 15 milliseconds on my computer, which is good improvement compared to your 30 minutes (a factor 10^5)

Please test every subpart critically, and make sure everything is as it should be. I suspect there is at least one more error somewhere as it returns {value} rather than value, but without knowing what to expect, it is hard to guess what you actually want to do...

To further speed it up, you want to write the M-function as a single function that return 4 values, so you can turn wz* in a single function, and als Nz and Ez*, so the eigenvalues/eigenvectors are only calculated once, not 4x (8? 16?) times. Furthermore you could use the function Eigensystem to get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors at the same time, much faster (2x speed up probably).

good luck!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks, I'll look into doing those things. As you can tell, I really don't know what I'm at with mathematica!

I even normalized vectors by hand when there is a perfectly good function built in that I've just discovered. :(

I'm going to stop looking at this now as it's past ten here and I have to be up early.

Thank you so much for all your help. I think any errors now are in my own math and I'll have to seek them out. But now I can cos it doesn't take one hundred years to evaluate.

If I have any more problems I know where to come. This forum has been hugely helpful.


POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes

Once you have some sensible answers from all your sub-functions and you need a big speed up, just continue this thread. I will be notified and others will also see it. I guess it can done in a millisecond or so, and when parallelised even faster of course...

Yes, please use Normalize as it also deals with the case {0,0,0} which (when not programmed properly) blows up if you just divide by the length of the vector...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

This is interesting, but I am afraid it is too complicated to grasp in one sitting. One thing I can say is that sometimes I have been able to improve performance by many orders of magnitude by thinking about the problem differently. I mean, thinking of a different way to ask Mathematica the same question. But that is just generality. The only specific I can give right now is, as a first cut, to try using DiscretePlot:

DiscretePlot[f[x], {x, xmin, xmax, dx}]

This saves Mathematica the time to make decisions about where to evaluate, and it can give you a quick look at a complicated plot faster than you would get using Plot. Make sure you set Filling to False, otherwise the graph will look different than you expect.

I have a background in physics. If you send a reference to what you are trying to do written in human language, I may be able to digest it better. Best,


POSTED BY: Otto Linsuain

I am far from an expert, but I know that as a rookie one can be far from optimal. On the other hand, it could also be that the problem you are trying to do is just too hard (it certainly looks that way). I will look at your notebooks some more. I was hoping to see something besides code. I am not very familiar with condensed matter.



POSTED BY: Otto Linsuain
Posted 9 years ago

Yes, I have tried to evaluate T for suitable numbers. It takes, I would say, over 30 minutes the way the code is written now. And that's for a single value of kx.

I know about putting periods in numbers. That sped things up a lot when I was trying this for a much simpler case.

Are you saying I should hold off the evaluation of everything in the book until the end?

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

Typical values I'm trying now

n=5. (this really should be exactly 5 but if this runs faster 5.0 will do)



kx= 1. (this is what I want to plot over so 1. is fine for now)



POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

Oh sure. Sorry. In this workbook it's Tz[n,a,d,kx,l,g]

I was thinking about an older workbook. I want to plot Tz over kx

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

kx! Yes. I caught that mistake as I was sending you the notebook but I didn't change it.

I suppose it should be a 1D vector cos that is for 20 values of k (?)

What is the DeleteCases command?

Other optimizations would be great if you have time. I am such a novice at this. I'm literally transposing a handwritten work-through of this problem.

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

Hmmm. I guess it should just be a value. It's the transmission probability. It has to be between 0 and 1. But in principle it should just be a number.

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

Ooh. That will plot Tz.

Unfortunately I just noticed an error in the notebook I sent you

Anz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := 
 Inverse[L[((n - 1)/2) (a + d), kx]].Smz[a, d, kx, l, 
   g].(MatrixPower[Sz[a, d, kx, l, g], (n - 3)/2]).L[a, kx]

should read

Anz[n_, a_, d_, kx_, l_, g_] := 
 Inverse[L[((n - 1)/2) (a + d), kx]].Smz[a, d, kx, l, 
   g].(MatrixPower[Sz[a, d, kx, l, g], (n - 3)/2]).L[a, kx]

(I had tried to make a simplification that didn't work.)

Changing that the Table[] still evaluates very quickly. And the graph of Tz comes out in 60 seconds.

It is, however not between 1 and 0 which is troubling. I may have more errors than I thought.

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

Ok. I've had to go back to a simpler example to figure out what the errors are in the more complex one.

So the (almost*) graphs I want are the first three which I get when I evaluate everything separately without delaying (no :=). The graphs I get using := are the second three which are wrong.

I am also having problems explaining to mathematica the a vector k should be k = Sqrt[kx^2 + ky^2] and that ArcTan[ky/ky] is \thetak therefore kx + i ky = k e^(i \thetak) - which is a very longhand maths way of thinking but I understand that and I don't understand computers.

I also can't figure out how to tell mathematica that at the barrier (x=0) then E3[q3] = k = E4[q4]

*these graphs are actually still wrong. But I don't know why. It should be the exact same curve but between 0 and 1 on the y axis.

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes

Have a look at the following functions:

ArcTan[x, y]

The first gives the magnitude and the 'angle' (argument) of a complex number at once. The second can construct a vector by a radius-angle pair The third gives you real and Imaginary part of a number as a pair. And perhaps use Arctan with two arguments; so it takes care of the 4 quadrants (the signs of x and y et cetera).

The problem is in your eigensystem function:

enter image description here

First symbolic finding the general eigenvalues and eigenvectors may involve certain assumptions, not valid for all cases! Take for example the simple case of this polynomial:

enter image description here

In the general case 3x^2/x is 3x but not for x=0 ! So 'underneath' the symbolic calculation there are always some assumptions (unavoidable in some sense). I'm not sure why the general solution of the eigensystem 'works' for your input but not the non-general case!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

Hmmm - how do I avoid this problem then?

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes

I'm not quite sure, but I guess generally it has to do with cases there the numbers become '0' and you have to do some division. So is it possible for your elements in your matrix to be zero? Just check what you expect, you can put some values in there and try. I put 3 random values for qx qy and l in there...

Also you can check the symbolic result, is that what you want?

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

The symbolic result - I think so yes.

So I got it to plot the graphs I want. (Well almost. rup and rdown are inverted for k<1 for some reason, but that isn't so important.

But, the way I have it obviously takes more time than is necessary because I make it evaluate symbolically before telling it numbers. As you have seen from my more complex example, I really can't afford to lose that optimization.

How would I have to rewrite this in order to still get those same graphs out in the end?

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

<<Progress Update>>

Now I have successfully expanded this for two barriers (or a square potential well) and am attempting to expand fro arbitrarily many barriers. Getting errors I don't understand though. Also still can't delay evaluation without getting the wrong result.

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes

Delayed evaluation works for me, but only if you delay everything but the function that rely on Eigensystem commands...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

Delayed evaluation works for me, but only if you delay everything but the function that rely on Eigensystem commands...

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

You're right! Delaying everything but the eigenvalue calculations (which are always pretty quick) works great!

Now I need to generalise my equations so I can have arbitrarily many barriers. I'm getting an error I don't recognise.

(apologies if this is a duplicate reply, the thread seems to be bugging out for me)

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

Thanks for replying. I don't know how far down the thread you have read.

It's the basic square potential well problem. My tweaks are that I want a generic wave including spin, arbitrarily many identical barriers uniformly spaced ("a" apart and "d" wide) in graphene, with spin orbit interaction and a zeeman field under the potential.

My approach is to first try to replicate some simplified systems (only spin orbit, only one barrier, normal incidence etc) and then to generalise entirely so I can have any number of barriers at any incidence angle and with both SOI and zeeman.

I understand the maths of it (for the most part) but I am having huge trouble translating it to mathematica language cos I am far from fluent. I am making all of the rookie mistakes and it's costing me computing time, memory, and accuracy!

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
Posted 9 years ago

Trying to insert an option to change the incidence angle for my simplest test case.

I don't think I've done it right. Essentially I need k = Abs[kx + i ky] and tk = Arg[kx + i ky] to be my input parameters for graphing cos they are the ones that stay consistent whereas the components kx and ky will change as k gets larger but the angle stays the same. I imagine that since Abs and Arg are functions that exist already in mathematica that this should be possible. But I can't find anything helpful to me in the documentation.

Currently this won't plot for tk = 0 which I need in order to check that the generalisation is working.

Any advice ye can give me on avoiding the singular matrices and 1/0 s?

POSTED BY: Eleanor Holmes
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