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Step-by-step solutions of differential equations

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, someone knows how can I keep a step-by-step solution of a differential equation in Mathematica (for example dy/dt=2t+5)? So far I found only the statements to keep step-by-step solution of an indefinite integral:

WolframAlpha["e^2 x cos(3x)", IncludePods -> {"Indefinite Integral"},
 PodStates -> {"Step-by-step solution", "Show all steps"}]

Thank you for your time.

POSTED BY: Gennaro Arguzzi
2 Replies

Edit: I just noticed you gave an example of what you where trying to solve.. silly me! Try:

WolframAlpha["y'(t)=2t+5",  IncludePods -> {"Differential equation solution"}, PodStates -> {"Step-by-step solution", "Show all steps"}]

What kind of differential equations are you looking to solve?

I'm guessing many differential equations will be solved numerically rather than analytically, but simple ones like this one can give you a step-by-step solution:

WolframAlpha["x'(t)=x(t)", IncludePods -> {"Differential equation solution"}, 
PodStates -> {"Step-by-step solution", "Show all steps"}]

step-by-step diff eq

POSTED BY: Patrik Ekenberg

Hi Patrick, your answer solved my problem. Thank you very much!!

POSTED BY: Gennaro Arguzzi
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