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Nonlinearmodelfit with conditionals - how to.

Posted 9 years ago

Hey guys I am trying to adapt a SAS code to mathematica, but I am experiencing some problems in doing that. I tried to run a model, but wasn't sure how to insert some conditionals.

SAS code:

proc nlin method = newton;
parms a=1 b=10^6 d=2.8;
If x > a then do;
Model S=0;
if x < b then do;
model S =1;
model S = (x^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3))/(a^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3));

My first mathematica model, without using the conditionals (x > a;x < b)

data = {{0.1 , 1},{0.5 , 0.99245283},{1 , 0.981132075},{2 , 0.957629013},{3 , 0.94647978},{5 , 0.892872862},{8 , 0.825362586},{10 , 0.794884307},{15 , 0.737820069},{30 , 0.688456089},{50 , 0.710852149},{100 , 0.686350949},{300 , 0.630188679},{500 , 0.622243133},{1500 , 0.61197978}};

model = (x^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3))/(a^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3));

nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data,model, {{a, 1}, {b, 10^6}, {d, 2.8}}, x,Method -> "Newton"]
POSTED BY: André Reis
9 Replies

The following gives a result with a warning:

Clear[x, a, b, d];
data = {{0.1, 1}, {0.5, 0.99245283}, {1, 0.981132075}, {2, 
    0.957629013}, {3, 0.94647978}, {5, 0.892872862}, {8, 
    0.825362586}, {10, 0.794884307}, {15, 0.737820069}, {30, 
    0.688456089}, {50, 0.710852149}, {100, 0.686350949}, {300, 
    0.630188679}, {500, 0.622243133}, {1500, 0.61197978}};
model = Piecewise[{{0, x > a}, {1, 
     x < b}, {(x^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3))/(a^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3)), True}}];
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data, model, {{a, 1}, {b, 10^6}, {d, 2.8}}, x]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Are you sure your conditions are x>a or x<b, and not a>b or x<a? That would make more sense.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 9 years ago

So. The case is that S is the relative saturation, b is the moment in which the saturation is 0 and a is the moment in which the saturation is 1, so that if x(that is the potential in a specific water content)>b saturation is equal to 0, and if the potential in a specific water content (x) is minor than a, so that the saturation is 1.

I think your code has work succesfully, I only changed the way you wrote the conditionals.

POSTED BY: André Reis
Posted 9 years ago

I am not sure if a explained it in an understandable way. Well I tried to use this model by using LevenbergMarquardt method and it worked, wasn't the same when tried Newton method. Some specific reason why it didn't work?

Thank you anyway.

POSTED BY: André Reis

I am no expert. It may have something to do with the fact that your model is not differentiable. Sorry I can't help you any further. Here is a code that gives an output, even though with a warning:

data = {{0.1, 1}, {0.5, 0.99245283}, {1, 0.981132075}, {2, 
    0.957629013}, {3, 0.94647978}, {5, 0.892872862}, {8, 
    0.825362586}, {10, 0.794884307}, {15, 0.737820069}, {30, 
    0.688456089}, {50, 0.710852149}, {100, 0.686350949}, {300, 
    0.630188679}, {500, 0.622243133}, {1500, 0.61197978}};
model = Piecewise[{{1, x < a}, {0, 
     x > b}, {(x^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3))/(a^(d - 3) - b^(d - 3)), True}}];
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data, model, {{a, 1}, {b, 10^6}, {d, 2.8}}, x]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 9 years ago

I see. Well I was trying to use Piecewise function, but as I started working with mathematica last week, I don't know how to use yet. Thank you again..

POSTED BY: André Reis
Posted 9 years ago

Your SAS code has several syntax errors. "^" should be "**", "b=10^6" should be "b=10E6", and the last "end;" generates an error as it is not needed. Those errors seem a bit more than cut-and-paste issues. Does the code really run in SAS?

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 9 years ago

No. Actually not. I got this code in a scientific paper, so that I am trying to contact the author to see what's wrong with the code. I am not sure.

POSTED BY: André Reis
Posted 9 years ago

Following the good suggestion from Gianluca Gorni you'll find the following result:

piecewise equation

Note that the estimate of b is huge and the coefficient -1.02625 x 10^(-11) is essentially zero. That leaves an equation that is linear in the log of x. Given that and that the plot of the fit and the data looks like the following:

data and fit

this screams for taking the logs of both the dependent and independent variables. From the initial description of the issue of wanting a piecewise fit, one possibility is to have the log of the prediction be zero for $x < a$ and $b + (d-3)\log(x)$ otherwise. Because you probably want the fit to be continuous, you'll want $b + (d-3)\log(x) = 0$ when $x=a$. That means $b=-(d-3)\log(a)$. The associated Mathematica code is

model = Piecewise[{{0, x < a}, {-(d - 3) Log[a] + (d - 3) Log[x], True}}];
logY = Log[data[[All, 2]]];
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[Transpose[{data[[All, 1]], logY}], {model, a > 0.1}, {{a, 0.9}, {d, 2.9}}, x];
(* {a -> 0.624483, d -> 2.92726} *)
Show[ListLogLogPlot[data, PlotRange -> {{0.1, 1600}, {0.5, 1.1}}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.02], Red}, 
  PlotRangeClipping -> False, Frame -> True],
  LogLogPlot[Exp[nlm[x]], {x, 0.1, 1600}]]

Piecewise log equation

The fit is not great but the residuals are a bit better behaved than not taking logs.

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
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