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Displaying points on an image

Posted 9 years ago

How can I display points (stored as shapefiles on my disk) on top of image (raster grid, also stored on my disk). I tried functions: Import (one by one - is it possible to import and display in a single output multiple files at ones?); ReliefPlot / Import, GeoMarker / GeoPosition, GeoGraphics / GeoStyling / Disk. There seem to be a way - Inset?

Is there a way to use my raster as GeoBackground?

Is there a way to set GeoRange extend for the map beyond my raster?


In the documentation for GeoBackground there is an example of an image used as GeoBackground, with the following syntax:

GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["ReliefMap", Opacity[0.8]], 
  Polygon[Entity["Country", "UnitedStates"]]}, 
   GeoBackground -> 
    CountryData[Entity["Country", "UnitedStates"], "Flag"]}], 
   GeoRangePadding -> None]

This may help. You may also consider Overlay.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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