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Avoiding transformations after typing formulae?

I often encounter undesirable transformation of formulae I type in Mathematica. For text and formulae I use cells with Text style. Say, I try to enter the formula

enter image description here

But Mathematica automatically transforms it into

enter image description here

after finishing the typing.

Is it possible to cancel that transformation?

POSTED BY: Konstantin Nosov
3 Replies

I'm not sure I understand. Can you give us the steps to reproduce a simple example of your problem?

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Simply. I start typing in the cell with Text style. I press the buttons:

0, =, x, Ctrl+Shift+-, 1, RightArrow, <, x, Ctrl+Shift+-, 2, RightArrow, <, ., ., ., <, x, Ctrl+Shift+-, N, RightArrow, = , 1

When I type the text next to the formula, it (formula) sometimes triggers to the expression with Subscript[].

Mathematica 10.4, Windows 8.1

To my mind, inline formulae in Text cells should be typed in a specified mode, not just by typing letters, sub/superscript etc.

POSTED BY: Konstantin Nosov

Something similar happens to me if I write, for example, Subscript[x, 1] (in 2-dimensional notation) in an input cell, then select the expression, and finally choose the menu Insert > Typesetting > Start inline cell. What I get literally looks like this:

 \*SuperscriptBox[\(x\), \(2\)]\)

Likewise with Superscript. However, I think this is not a natural sequence of operations.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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