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Cloud Expressions and Structured Storage in the Cloud

Posted 8 years ago

Seeking a means to have a persistent cloud based storage for structured data, I stumbled upon CloudExpressions, but, trying to update in place a cloud expression holding an association using iterated AssociateTo calls, I found it rather appalingly slow... But it may very well be the case that, due to my inexperience, I may not have used the most efficient update pattern...

Anyway, though having some wolfram language transparent cloud based structured storage and retrieval service is a very appealing option compared to having recourse to some other external web API, would you consider using cloud expressions as a viable option to persist the structured data of a Wolfram Cloud backed web application ?

Thanks for your comments.

POSTED BY: Fabien Todescato
4 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

How were you measuring performance, what kind of code did you have?

POSTED BY: Joel Klein
Posted 8 years ago

I get the same thing, timing from a cloud notebook. (You would get something quite a bit slower connecting from the desktop product due to difference in network time.)

I'll pass this along to the CloudExpression folks. CloudExpression is a new feature, and it's not unheard of for first release to need some optimization.

POSTED BY: Joel Klein

Something very unscientific, I fear. I updated in place a CloudExpression holding an association, using AssociateTo, like so :

enter image description here enter image description here

POSTED BY: Fabien Todescato

Joel Klein, Thank you.

POSTED BY: Fabien Todescato
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