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Creating a ListLogLogPlot3D?

Posted 9 years ago

How can I make a ListLogLogPlot3D with Mathematica? Where the z and x axis are in logarithmic scale.

POSTED BY: Pavel Mote
2 Replies

You can log your data manually, and plot this via ListPlot3D. The axes can be removed, or you can use Ticks specification to insert the correct labels.

For example:

Ticks -> {{}, {Log[10^#], 10^#} & /@ Range[0, 5]}

This plot option specifies 1, 10, ... , 100000 on a plot of logged data. This approach limits dynamic labeling (as we've specified the range and interval), but should you find it necessary it could be worked on.

POSTED BY: David Gathercole

Please have a look here:

That surely shows the concepts!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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