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Creating a ListLogLogPlot3D?

Posted 9 years ago

How can I make a ListLogLogPlot3D with Mathematica? Where the z and x axis are in logarithmic scale.

POSTED BY: Pavel Mote
2 Replies

Please have a look here:

That surely shows the concepts!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

You can log your data manually, and plot this via ListPlot3D. The axes can be removed, or you can use Ticks specification to insert the correct labels.

For example:

Ticks -> {{}, {Log[10^#], 10^#} & /@ Range[0, 5]}

This plot option specifies 1, 10, ... , 100000 on a plot of logged data. This approach limits dynamic labeling (as we've specified the range and interval), but should you find it necessary it could be worked on.

POSTED BY: David Gathercole
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