As an update here are some links reporting similar behaviour sometimes by design, sometimes clearly buggy: here are some typical examples where Mathematica does not clear Module generated temporary variables:
Module[{x}, x /. NDSolve[x'[t] == 1 && x[0] == 0, x, {t, 0, 1}][[1]]]
Result: x$NNN is not removed.
Reason: ¿ NDSolve stores some expressions referencing x$NNN in the system cache ?
Solution: Clear system cache. (Presumably this will happen on its own as the kernel session progresses.)
Module[{y, z, a, b}, a = y + z; b = 2*a];
Result: y$NNN and z$NNN are not removed from global context.
Reason: y$NNN and z$NNN appear in the module output and are thus referenced by Out.
Solution: Clear Out, or more systematically limit the History Length through $HistoryLength
Module[{x}, f = x]
Result: x$NNN is not removed from global context.
Reason: Definition of f is referencing x$NNN
Solution: Clear f.
a[b_] := Module[{x}, x := 1; x /; b]
Result:a x$NNN is permanently placed in the global context every time a is called.
Reason: Unknown. This appears to be a bug. (Clear and ClearSystemCache[] do not remove the x$NNN.)
Module[{a, b},
a[i_] := b[i - 1];
b[i_] := a[i - 1];
a[0] = 0; b[0] = 0; a[10]]
Result: a$NNN and b$NNN remain in global context.
Reason: Unknown. Bug?
It would be very helpful if someone could explain the behaviour of 4. and 5. (and how to avoid it).