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CloudDeploy with DateListPlot

POSTED BY: Balazs Kisfali
2 Replies

I found what caused the issue. CloudDeploy doesn't pass some options, since I had a few I had to iterate each-by-each. It is tricky but PlotTheme cannot be pass and also any PlotLegend cannot be applied. At least in my approach. So after removing these options the code was fine.

So, at the end the below code was ok to deploy to the cloud:

DateListPlot[{WeatherData[{#Latitude, #Longitude}, 
   "MaxWindSpeed", {{1990}, {2015}, "Month"}], 
  WeatherData[{#Latitude, #Longitude}, 
   "MaxWindSpeed", {{1990}, {2015}, "Year"}]}, Joined -> True, 
 PlotRange -> Automatic, ImageSize -> Large]
POSTED BY: Balazs Kisfali

In the meantime I found the online documentation for FormPage, ...from my desktop Mathematica I still didn't find it, probably it is not updated

But my issue is still persist with DateListPlot...

POSTED BY: Balazs Kisfali
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