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Copying from Wolfram Documentation pages on the web.

Posted 9 years ago

I just found that when visiting an on-line help page, such as or any other help page, there is a new change on how one copies the code shown on these page from the code examples there or any part of the page.

The new method is not really good at all. Now what happens is that all the expression shown is copied to the clipboard. Before, there used to be a small pop-up window that comes up, which shows the actual Mathematica input form of the code itself, and one can then either copy it all, or part of it.

Now one is forced to copy the whole expression. And not in input form. It comes in in 2D math, which I do not like. Many times, one might want to copy only part of the expression/example code shown. For example, if I see an option being used in a command given, I want to copy only that part of the command to my notebook to try it. Now I can no longer do this, and one is forced to copy all of the code of the example and in 2D math also.

Is it possible to keep the earlier behavior on the help pages? it was much better before and much more useful also. If not, is it possible to have the pop-up menu be an option to those who want it?

Sorry, but I really do not like at all how the on-line help pages work now. It was much better before. thank you

POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi

Seems to be browser-dependent! Under Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.4):

  • in Safari, if I click the code display, I do get the pop-up box from which I can directly use copy-and-paste; but
  • in Chrome, if I click the code display, I get no pop-up box, and the code is just copied to the clipboard.
POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
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