yes there is indeed. This is the function:
combindedProbs[lis_List] := 1. - Product[1 - lis[[i]], {i, 1, Length[lis]}]
in your case that is 0.76. You can call this function like so:
With Mathematica you can of course also simulate that experiment. You can use RandomChoice with probabilities to simulate the "infections":
Table[Total[{RandomChoice[{0.6, 0.4} -> {0, 1}], RandomChoice[{0.5, 0.5} -> {0, 1}], RandomChoice[{0.8, 0.2} -> {0, 1}]}], {10}]
You get a triple of three numbers for each simulation, which is made up of zeros and ones. Zero at position one means "no infection by virus one", a one at position two means "infection with virus two", etc. The 10 at the end simulates 10 computers.
Now we can run this 1000 times and check how many computers have no infection, i.e. the sum of the three entries is zero.
M = 1000; N[Length[Select[Table[Total[{RandomChoice[{0.6, 0.4} -> {0, 1}], RandomChoice[{0.5, 0.5} -> {0, 1}], RandomChoice[{0.8, 0.2} -> {0, 1}]}], {M}], # != 0 &]]/M]
This gives something close to 76%.