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Mathematica writes an almost void graph to file

Posted 8 years ago

Dear Group,

I am trying to write a png-graph to a file. The graph is known in memory, I can query it.

But when I write it to a file, I get the attached graph.

The command used is

Export[bn, StiPlots[V, h], ImageSize-> 800];

where bn is the filename, StiPlots[V, h] is the graph to be written to the file.

This is all the more obscure as

1) this command is the last one in a block of identical commands for different graphs. The problem arises only with this particular one.

2) this block of commands rests in a loop over the parameter h. For h=0 the graph is written to the harddisk, but not for h=1.

The filename bn depends on h (not showing here).

We use Mathematica 10.3.1 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit).

Anyone here who could assist us ? Our Premier Service has expired.

Thank you for sharing your expertise

Frank Richter

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Frank Richter
6 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Not possible as I Need previously generated Output for my Analysis.

I am giving up, will run this command manually once my Notebook has run to the end.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your effort.


POSTED BY: Frank Richter

Try setting:

 $HistoryLength = 1

such that the memory does not grow excessively during evaluation...

Again, without explicit code, it is very hard to guess!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 8 years ago

It is png. Rasterize does not help. Same as before. I failed to state that I can save to disk when I re-run the snippet of code manually. The failure occurs during execution of "Evaluate Notebook" from the drop-down-menu.

POSTED BY: Frank Richter

You save it as a bitmap file, or? Does this work:

Rasterize[yourplot,"Image",RasterSize -> 800]
POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 8 years ago

The graph is known in memory, I can query it.

POSTED BY: Frank Richter

Without explicit code, there is not much to comment. It looks to me like your plot is empty or so. I see 2 empty lists...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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