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Tweak neural network parameters?

I am trying to dig deeper into the Neural Network algorythims. I have found a couple of posts talking about setting parameters but I must be doing it wrong because I never get any difference in results.

Here is what I am trying:

c = Predict[association, 
  Method -> {"NeuralNetwork", "HidddenLayers" -> {10, "Linear"}, 
    "NeuronTypes" -> {"Linear", "Linear"}, 
    "NumberOfNodes" -> {10, 5, 1}}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"]

When I change these parameters and then check them with:


I get the exact same results no matter how I tweak the starting parameters. By results I mean, actual prediction results and also parameter settings. Well, actually, one exception is:

"MaxIterations" -> 900

Sometimes that single value changes. However, the rest do not.

Can someone enlighten me on how to properly tweak Neural Networks? I have read as much as possible and watched all the training videos.

Please and Thank You!

POSTED BY: David Johnston
2 Replies

Found the solution for HiddenLayers ! lol I had a typo and there were 3 d's . HidddenLayers. lol

That parameter seems settable now. :)

POSTED BY: David Johnston

There are so many amazing things being done with Mathematica and Neural Networks. I tried following this info but wasn't able to get the RNN to work. Wish it was a built in function!

POSTED BY: David Johnston
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