In the spirit of Separation Anxiety and Shifting Lands, some contours of the surface $\sqrt{|x|} + \sqrt{|y|} + z^2 = 1$. The perspective plays some interesting tricks, I think. Here's a more traditional view of the surface:

And here's the code:
cols = RGBColor /@ {"#F40968", "#FDEA2E", "#512E5E"};
ParametricPlot3D[{{(1 - Abs[z]^(2) - Abs[y]^(1/2))^2, y,
z}, {-(1 - Abs[z]^(2) - Abs[y]^(1/2))^2, y,
z}}, {y, -(1 - Abs[z]^(2))^2, (1 - Abs[z]^(2))^2},
PlotRange -> 1, Boxed -> False, Axes -> None, PlotPoints -> 200,
PlotStyle -> Blend[cols[[;; 2]], (z + 1)/2],
SphericalRegion -> False, ViewPoint -> 65 {1, 0, 1},
ViewAngle -> ?/250, ImageSize -> 540,
Background -> cols[[3]]], {z, -1 + t, 1 - .001, 1/8}]],
{t, .001, 1/8}]]