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Alternate Zoom Method?

Posted 9 years ago


I want to keep my notebook magnification at 125% yet increase the overall appearance of everything. Is there an easy way to do this, as I don't want to increase the font sizes?


Dean Sparrow - 10.1

POSTED BY: Dean Sparrow
3 Replies

So you want to zoom without using zoom, sorry but that does not make much sense... please elaborate what you want to achieve. 3 options:

  • reduce your monitor resolution
  • bigger monitor
  • sit closer to your monitor
POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
Posted 9 years ago

I want to keep my notebook magnification at 125% yet increase the overall appearance of everything. Is there an easy way to do this, as I don't want to increase the font sizes?

You can achieve this by increasing the default Magnification (one way to do it is to evaluate SetOptions[$FrontEnd, Magnification -> 1.25]) and at the same time reducing the default font size by specifying a custom Private Notebook Stylesheet. The latter is more complicated but I can give you an example of a Private Style Cell from which you can start (it controls the Magnification in an independent way):

POSTED BY: Alexey Popkov

Thanks. I'm just trying to make my text notebooks look like Word documents, calibri 11, etc.

POSTED BY: Dean Sparrow
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