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A collection of minimal surfaces plots

Posted 9 years ago

I was really impressed by the 3D plots of minimal surfaces on Paul Nylander's page here. You can read about the mathematics of minimal surfaces here.

The code on Paul's page was written for version 4.2, so it took a small amount of updating. I will show the plots before dumping the code. First I show the surfaces with no mesh,

enter image description here

and here are the surfaces with only mesh (which took a bit of trickery, extracting the Mesh lines and then coloring them)

enter image description here

Here is the code for the first set of images, with the first line being used to import a nice color function that I prefer,

<< "";
chenGackstatterSurface = Module[{k = 5, n, rho,
    phi, rotateShape, surface, graphics, minmax, f},
   n = (k - 1)/k; 
   rho = 1.0/
     Sqrt[4^n Gamma[(3 - n)/2] Gamma[
         1 + n/2]/(Gamma[(3 + n)/2] Gamma[1 - n/2])];
   phi[n_, z_] := 
    z^(1 + n) Hypergeometric2F1[(1 + n)/2, n, (3 + n)/2, z^2]/(1 + n);
    f[z_] := {0.5 (phi[n, z]/rho - rho phi[-n, z]), 
     0.5 I (rho phi[-n, z] + phi[n, z]/rho), z};
   rotateShape[shape_, a_, b_, c_] := 
    GeometricTransformation[shape, EulerMatrix[{a, b, c}]];
   surface = 
     Re[f[r Exp[I theta]]], {r, -0.0, 3.0}, {theta, 0, 2.00 Pi}, 
     PlotPoints -> 25, ColorFunction -> (ParulaCM[#3] &), 
     Mesh -> None];
   graphics = 
      Table[rotateShape[surface[[1]], 0, 0, 2. Pi i/k], {i, 0, 
        k - 1}]], Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 500]

firstEnneperSurface = Module[{n = 3, surface, minmax},
   surface = ParametricPlot3D[{
      r Cos[th] - r^3/3 Cos[3 th],
      -r/3 (3 Sin[th] + r^2 Sin[3 th]),
      r^2 Cos[2 th]
      }, {r, 0, 2}, {th, -\[Pi], \[Pi]},
     PlotPoints -> {100, 100}, PlotRange -> All,
     Mesh -> None,
     ColorFunction -> (ParulaCM[#3] &),
     BoxRatios -> {1.5, 1.5, 1},
     Boxed -> False,
     Axes -> False,
     ImageSize -> 500]];
richmondsMinimalSurface = Module[{Richmond, surface, minmax},
     z_] := {-1/(2 z) - z^(2 n + 1)/(4 n + 2), -I/(2 z) + 
      I z^(2 n + 1)/(4 n + 2), z^n/n};
   surface = 
     Re[Richmond[5, r Exp[I theta]]], {r, 0.52, 1.18}, {theta, 0, 
      2 Pi}, PlotPoints -> {25, 180},
     Mesh -> None,
     ColorFunction -> (ParulaCM[#3] &),
     BoxRatios -> {1.5, 1.5, 1},
     Boxed -> False,
     Axes -> False,
     ImageSize -> 500]
fourthEnneperSurface = Module[{n = 3, surface, minmax},
   surface = ParametricPlot3D[{
      r Cos[phi] - r^(2 n - 1) Cos[(2 n - 1) phi]/(2 n - 1), 
      r Sin[phi] + r^(2 n - 1) Sin[(2 n - 1) phi]/(2 n - 1),
      2 r^n Cos[n phi]/n},
     {phi, 0, 2 Pi}, {r, 0, 1.3},
     PlotPoints -> {150, 20}, PlotRange -> All,
     Mesh -> None,
     ColorFunction -> (ParulaCM[#3] &),
     BoxRatios -> {1.5, 1.5, 1},
     Boxed -> False,
     Axes -> False,
     ImageSize -> 500]
costasMinimalSurface = 
  Module[{rotateShape, surface, graphics, minmax, Costa},
   rotateShape[shape_, a_, b_, c_] := 
    GeometricTransformation[shape, EulerMatrix[{a, b, c}]];
   Costa[z_] := 
    Module[{phi1 = -2 Sqrt[z] Sqrt[
         1 - z^2] Hypergeometric2F1[1/4, 3/2, 5/4, z^2]/Sqrt[z^2 - 1],
       phi2 = -(2/3) z^(3/2) Sqrt[
         z^2 - 1] Hypergeometric2F1[3/4, 1/2, 7/4, z^2]/Sqrt[1 - z^2]},
     Re[{phi2 - phi1, I (phi1 + phi2), Log[z - 1] - Log[z + 1]}]/2];
   surface = ParametricPlot3D[
      Costa[Sqrt[Exp[r - I theta] + 1]],
      {r, -3.5, 6}, {theta, -Pi, Pi},
      PlotPoints -> {75, 18},
      Mesh -> None,
      ColorFunction -> (ParulaCM[#3] &)][[1]];
   surface = {surface, rotateShape[surface, Pi, 0, 0]};
   graphics = 
    Show[Graphics3D[{surface, rotateShape[surface, Pi/2, Pi, 0]}],
     BoxRatios -> {1.5, 1.5, 1},
     Boxed -> False,
     ImageSize -> 500]
{firstEnneperSurface, chenGackstatterSurface, costasMinimalSurface, fourthEnneperSurface, richmondsMinimalSurface}

and here is the code for the second set of images:

costasMinimalSurface = 
  Module[{rotateShape, surface, graphics, minmax, Costa},
   rotateShape[shape_, a_, b_, c_] := 
    GeometricTransformation[shape, EulerMatrix[{a, b, c}]];
   Costa[z_] := 
    Module[{phi1 = -2 Sqrt[z] Sqrt[
         1 - z^2] Hypergeometric2F1[1/4, 3/2, 5/4, z^2]/Sqrt[z^2 - 1],
       phi2 = -(2/3) z^(3/2) Sqrt[
         z^2 - 1] Hypergeometric2F1[3/4, 1/2, 7/4, z^2]/Sqrt[1 - z^2]},
     Re[{phi2 - phi1, I (phi1 + phi2), Log[z - 1] - Log[z + 1]}]/2];
   surface = ParametricPlot3D[
      Costa[Sqrt[Exp[r - I theta] + 1]],
      {r, -3.5, 6}, {theta, -Pi, Pi},
      PlotPoints -> {75, 18},
      Mesh -> {Subdivide[-3.499, 5.99, 5],
        Subdivide[-\[Pi] + .01, \[Pi] - .01, 15]},
      PlotStyle -> None][[1]];
   surface = {surface, rotateShape[surface, Pi, 0, 0]};
   graphics = 
    Show[Graphics3D[{surface, rotateShape[surface, Pi/2, Pi, 0]}],
     BoxRatios -> {1.5, 1.5, 1},
     Boxed -> False,
     ImageSize -> 500];
   minmax = Charting`get3DPlotRange@graphics // Last;
   Normal[graphics] /. 
    Line[x__] :> ({JetCM[Rescale[#[[1, 3]], minmax]], Line[#]} & /@ 
       Partition[x, 2, 1])

{firstEnneperSurface, chenGackstatterSurface, costasMinimalSurface, fourthEnneperSurface, richmondsMinimalSurface}
POSTED BY: Jason Biggs
4 Replies
Posted 9 years ago
POSTED BY: Bob Smith

![enter image description here][3] - another post of yours has been selected for the [Staff Picks][1] group, congratulations !

We are happy to see you at the tops of the "Featured Contributor" board. Thank you for your wonderful contributions, and please keep them coming!


Jason this is beautiful! Did you know we have a built-in data collection:

EntityList[EntityClass["Surface", "Minimal"]]

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

That's great! I cannot count the number of times I've spent hours on something only to find out it is done by a built in function lol. I worry that all the cool stuff has already been coded before I start work there....

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs
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