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Kobon Triangles: number of nonoverlapping ?s from $n$ lines

Posted 9 years ago

This comes from an old post over on the SE about Kobon Triangles, but I've added some new functionality and thought I might share it here.

I enjoyed working on this, I learned how to construct a MeshRegion from a set of points, and to find polygons by using FindCycle. First I will give the code and then explain,

kobonTriangle[k_] := 
  Module[{r0, r1, r2, pts, ilns, lines, edges, vertices, triangles, mesh},
   r0 := RandomReal[{-1, 1}];
   r1 := RandomReal[{-1, 0}];
   r2 := RandomReal[{0, 1}];
   pts = Transpose[
     {Array[{r0, r1} &, k - 1],
      Array[{r0, r2} &, k - 1]
   ilns = InfiniteLine /@ pts~Join~{{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}};
   lines = Flatten[
     Partition[Sort@#, 2, 1] & /@ Table[
       Flatten[List @@@ (RegionIntersection[
             ilns[[n]], #] & /@ Delete[ilns, n]), 1],
       {n, Length@ilns}], 1];

   vertices = Flatten[lines, 1] // DeleteDuplicates;
   edges = lines /. MapIndexed[#1 -> First@#2 &, vertices];
   triangles = FindCycle[Graph[#1 <-> #2 & @@@ edges], {3}, All];
   mesh = MeshRegion[
            vertices, {Line /@ edges, 
             triangles /. {a_ <-> b_, b_ <-> c_, c_ <-> a_} :> 
               Polygon[{a, b, c, a}]}];
   (* Uncomment this section to have the number of triangles reported on the image *)
   (* Labeled[
    Row[{"Number of lines = ", k, ", Number of Triangles = ", 
      Length@triangles}]] *)

Here are a couple of examples,

{kobonTriangle[5], kobonTriangle[8]}

enter image description here

In any iteration, chances are you won't find the optimal solution. For example, for 5 and 8 lines, there are solutions with 5 and 15 triangles, respectively, rather than the 3 and 9. But if you run the code enough times, you can often find a near-optimal solution. There are most definitely better algorithms to search for these, but I like this one. I let it run for an hour and got these results:

enter image description here

How it works

I was inspired by Trevor Simonton's javascript code here. The idea is to generate k random lines that intersect so as to get a decent number of triangles. To that end, we start with one line that is oriented horizontally, and then generate k-1 lines that cross this line.

Here is the code to do this,

r0 := RandomReal[{-1, 1}];
r1 := RandomReal[{-1, 0}];
r2 := RandomReal[{0, 1}];
pts = Transpose[
  {Array[{r0, r1} &, k - 1],
   Array[{r0, r2} &, k - 1]
ilns = InfiniteLine /@ pts~Join~{{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}};

You can see the lines via,


enter image description here

We need to zoom out to see all the intersections

Graphics[ilns, PlotRange -> {{-2, 2.0}, {-2, 2.0}}]

enter image description here

Now I would like to cut off the lines after the intersection points to create a closed shape. First I will use RegionIntersection to find all the intersection points. Then I create line segments between each intersection point, but first I sort the intersection points to make sure that we don't have any overlapping line segments.

lines = Flatten[
   Partition[Sort@#, 2, 1] & /@ Table[
     Flatten[List @@@ (RegionIntersection[
           ilns[[n]], #] & /@ Delete[ilns, n]), 1],
     {n, Length@ilns}], 1];
vertices = Flatten[lines, 1] // DeleteDuplicates;
Graphics[{Line /@ lines, {Red, PointSize[Medium], Point /@ vertices}}]

enter image description here

So we have our basic shape, but how to find the triangles, and only the non-overlapping triangles? By making a Graph that is isomorphic to the shape above, we can take advantage of the Graph functions in Mathematica

edges = lines /. MapIndexed[#1 -> First@#2 &, ipts]
Graph[edges, VertexLabels -> "Name"]
(* {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {5, 3}, {3, 6}, {6, 7}, {8, 9}, {9,
   5}, {5, 4}, {9, 10}, {10, 1}, {1, 7}, {8, 10}, {10, 2}, {2, 6}} *)

enter image description here

Now we can find the triangles easily enough, and only non-overlapping triangles will be found because we've cut the lines into non-overlapping segments already.

triangles = FindCycle[Graph[#1 <-> #2 & @@@ edges], {3}, All]
(* {{8 <-> 9, 9 <-> 10, 10 <-> 8}, {2 <-> 3, 3 <-> 6, 
  6 <-> 2}, {1 <-> 10, 10 <-> 2, 2 <-> 1}, {3 <-> 4, 4 <-> 5, 5 <-> 3}} *)
(* 4 *)

Now we just wrap it all up into a MeshRegion for display purposes,

  vertices, {Line /@ edges, 
   triangles /. {a_ <-> b_, b_ <-> c_, c_ <-> a_} :> 
     Polygon[{a, b, c, a}]}], 
 Row[{"Number of lines = ", k, ", Number of Triangles = ", 

enter image description here

So this code is perhaps not efficient - I imagine that FindCycles and the routine to find the intersection both scale at or worse than $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ but $n$ is small so that is no worry.

One slight problem

For every time we get a decent shape like


enter image description here

we will get 5 that look like this,

enter image description here

where some of the lines are so long as to make the shape hard to view. The best plan I could come up with for discriminating against the latter shapes is by comparing the area of the triangles to the total area of a square encasing all the points. The shape with the best relative triangle area wins. Here is a routine that goes through 2000 9-line shapes and displays the best result alongside the current result,

evaluate[mesh_] := {(Area /@ MeshPrimitives[mesh, 2] // 
     Total)/(Times @@ 
     Abs@*Subtract @@@ (MinMax /@ 
        Transpose[MeshPrimitives[mesh, 0][[All, 1]]])), 
  Length@MeshPrimitives[mesh, 2]}
bestN = 0;
bestA = 0;
bestN = 0;
bestA = 0;

Dynamic[{bestN, bestTriangle, currentTriangle}]
With[{nt = 9},
  currentTriangle = kobonTriangle[nt];
  {area, ntriangles} = evaluate@currentTriangle;
  If[ntriangles >= bestN,
   bestN = ntriangles;
   If[area > bestA,
    bestA = area;
    bestTriangle = currentTriangle];
  , {2000}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs

enter image description here - another post of yours has been selected for the Staff Picks group, congratulations !

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