Thanks for replying!
Well I knew about Graphics and Text but I didn't know about Map and Transpose.
However, how do you put Style in that line? I want to print the text in Bold Blue.
I'm actually trying to manipulate this graphics.
My real code is as follows:
data2 = {{0.000, 0.000, 0.000}, {-1.612, 8.077, -2.474}, {-19.599,
186.849, -246.583}, {-29.000, -19.499,
12.157}, {-1.646, -1.375, -3.842}, {3.127, -19.235,
15.660}, {167.744, 834.512, -122.686}, {-5.353 , 9.547,
1.096}, {13.369, 634.519, 82.506}, {36.150, 235.772,
26.543}, {5.481, 28.657, 30.211}, {22.354, 58.173,
18.471}, {-206.890, -495.847, -267.081}, {-13.242 , 26.759,
16.267}, {-17.712 , 40.444, 27.470}, {-66.567, 35.256,
15.966}, {-1224.806,
3234.005, -1669.329}, {-1.546, -1.183, -3.769}, {-0.057, -5.943,
0.488}, {-7.430 , 2.113, 0.950}, {-6.506 , 1.642,
4.870}, {1.910, -8.647, -3.912}, {6.213, 8.314, -1.729}, {10.287,
5.021, -3.269}, {6.468, -2.746,
11.114}, {14.243, -4.268, -3.780}, {-24.260 , 25.880,
19.125}, {-24.952, -8.886, -8.766}, {45.832, -12.825,
18.049}, {7.807, -14.872, 2.621}, {68.981,
31.332, -117.728}, {20.933, -5.840, -12.357}, {-237.661, -92.652, \
-50.329}, {4.354, 3.396, 429.965}, {1184.687, -1394.076,
1847.449}, {47.862, 51.402,
60.959}, {-172.829, -36.515, -302.153}, {4.898, -32.843, 42.075}};
text2 = Graphics3D[
Map[Text @@ # &,
Transpose[{{"Sun", "Sirius", "Canopus", "Arcturus", "Rigil K",
"Vega", "Rigel", "Procyon", "Betelgeuse", "Bellatrix",
"Capella", "Aldebaran", "Antares", "Pollux", "Castor",
"Regulus", "VY Canis M", "Proxima C", "Barnard", "Wolf 359",
"Lalande 21185", "Ross 154", "Epsilon Eri", "Tau Ceti",
"Kruger 60", "Gliese 876", "55 Cancri", "61 Virginis",
"51 Pegasi", "Altair", "Achernar", "Fomalhaut", "Spica",
"Polaris", "Deneb", "Algol", "Mimosa", "BY Draconis"},
ListPointPlot3D[data2, PlotRange -> {{-n, n}, {-n, n}, {-n, n}},
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, AxesLabel -> {X, Y, Z},
LabelStyle -> Directive[Blue, Bold], ImageSize -> {700},
PlotStyle -> Directive[Blue, PointSize[Large]]], {n, 1 , 4000}]
Can you help me print the Text labels in Bold Blue within the Manipulate context?