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Picking off the coordinates from a point in Graphics?

Posted 8 years ago

Why is it that when I try to copy off the coordinates from a point in Graphics it gives me the result as Strings instead of numbers?

I use the following procedure:

1) With the pointer in an existing 2D Graphics I use right-click and Get Coordinates. This gives me the crosshairs.

2) I move the pointer to the point from which I want the coordinates and click once, which makes a point on the graphic.

3) I use Ctrl+C to copy the coordinates, which I usually want to paste into a Text statement.

And when pasted the result is this:


which is not very useful without further processing, such as:

ToExpression /@ First[{{"-7.212", "1.673"}}]

Am I missing something here? And also, if one only clicks a single point why isn't GetCoordinates smart enough to return the result in only a single set of braces? That is what one would usually want to paste into commands.

6 Replies

That promises to be useful. But something I always forget how to do:

Once I evaluate the CreatePalette command, how do I save the palette (so I don't have to recreate it each time I need it)? If I use the menu item Palettes > Install Palette, in the resulting pop-up window there seems to be no option for the Source field to select that currently-open palette.

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
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