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Why do these two integrations produce different results?

Posted 8 years ago

The two integrals in the attached notebook are algebraically identical but produce different results. I'd like to understand why, and whether there is something I can do to consistently obtain the nonzero result.

POSTED BY: Peter Iannucci
5 Replies

Note that there is a singularity for theta=phi=0. This can cause trouble.

POSTED BY: S M Blinder

Yes, strange indeed! And the (wrong!) result depends on the order of integration:

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

I've encountered the situation before where the order of integration greatly effects the results. You might find this post to be interesting reading

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs

Not sure, but 0 is the wrong answer: enter image description here

POSTED BY: Kay Herbert

As far as I can tell, that's a bug.

POSTED BY: Kay Herbert
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