TransformedDistribution[x = Exp[u], u \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]]]
seems to work fine, producing
LogNormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]]
(correct). However I'd rather express mu and sigma in dB and also am interested in having power on the linear side, so wish to scale the argument and use a 10 base for the transformation. Like:
n2dB = 10 Log10[x]/Log[x] ;
dB2n = 1/n2dB ;
TransformedDistribution[ x = 10^(u/10), u \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[ Subscript[\[Mu], dBm] dB2n , Subscript[\[Sigma], dBm] dB2n]]
Which returns without evaluation in the same form with u replaced by [FormalX]. Playing with the expression it appears to be the use of 10^ which is the root, replacing 10 with E functions - but is of course not what I want. Using E and adding Log[10] to the exponent doesn't work, Whereas using E and adding 2.3 to the exponent does...
I assume it's the same reason
Assuming [ u >> 0 , 10^(u) == E[u Log[10] ] // FullSimplify ]
doesn't simply return true.