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Find these Transcendental equation's solution?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to find out the solution of this trigonometric solution but i'm not able to. I'm looking for your help and advise. Regards enter image description here

POSTED BY: Muhammad Afzal
19 Replies

Find these Transcendental equation's solution?

Posted 4 years ago

Okay. Thanks a lot.

POSTED BY: Updating Name

I worked a bit about it, but I am afraid there is no function to solve your equations.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Modified code corrected for pi and Part:

Y1 = 0.02;
l1 = 0.0172;
lambda = {0.0713, 0.0688, 0.0665};
b1 = 0.1170;
b3 = 0.1252;
t21 = (2*Pi/lambda[[1]])*l2;
t31 = (2*Pi/lambda[[1]])*l3;
t23 = (2*Pi/lambda[[3]])*l2;
t33 = (2*Pi/lambda[[3]])*l3;
t11 = (2*Pi/lambda[[1]])*l1;
t13 = (2*Pi/lambda[[3]])*l1;
eqns = {2*Y1*Tan[t11] + Y2*Tan[t21] + Y3*Tan[t31] == 0, 
   2*Y1*Tan[t13] + Y2*Tan[t23] + Y3*Tan[t33] == 0, 
   t11*Y1 + t21*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t21]^2/Sec[t11]^2) + 
     t31*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t31]^2/Sec[t11]^2) - b1 == 0, 
   t13*Y1 + t23*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t23]^2/Sec[t13]^2) + 
     t33*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t33]^2/Sec[t13]^2) - b3 == 0};

Define function to work with

vec = eqns /. Equal[a_, b_] -> a
ff[Y2_, Y3_, l2_, l3_] := Evaluate[vec.vec]

Try to find a minimum, 1) generally, 2) around your proposals

sol1 = FindMinimum[ff[Y2, Y3, l2, l3], {Y2, Y3, l2, l3}]
sol2 = FindMinimum[ff[Y2, Y3, l2, l3], {{Y2, .02}, {Y3, .02}, {l2, .018}, {l3, .016}}]

and check the results by inserting them in your equations

eqns /. Equal -> List /. sol1[[2]]
eqns /. Equal -> List /. sol2[[2]]
% // Chop
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Here is the edited code. Those equations are obtained from the resonant conditions of a microwave filter. So by solving those equations, I have to find the design parameters. Y2,Y3 are the admittances and l2,l3 are the transmission line lengths. These 4 are the independent variables. And I need to find these values close to Y2=0.02265, Y3=0.02042, l2=0.01811, l3=0.01638.

Y1 = 0.02;
l1 = 0.0172;
lambda = {0.0713, 0.0688,  0.0665};
b1 = 0.1170;
b3 = 0.1252;
t21 = (2*pi/lambda(1))*l2; 
t31 = (2*pi/lambda(1))*l3; 
t23 = (2*pi/lambda(3))*l2; 
t33 = (2*pi/lambda(3))*l3; 
t11 = (2*pi/lambda(1))*l1;
t13 = (2*pi/lambda(3))*l1;
t11*Y1 + t21*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t21]^2/Sec[t11]^2) + t31*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t31]^2/Sec[t11]^2)-b1==0,
t13*Y1 + t23*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t23]^2/Sec[t13]^2) + t33*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t33]^2/Sec[t13]^2)-b3==0};

Show your edited post then. What are your independent variables, or in other words what are your modified equations? By the way, I am curious: where do your (really complicated) equations come from?

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Thank you for your reply. I edited the variables to be found. I tried to run the code which you have provided but it's not able to find the values of l2,l3. As the t variables are in terms of l2,l3, can we be able to find solutions in terms of that?

Looking at the whole thing it became clear that things can be done directly. With the definitions in the notebook try

fvec = eqns0 /. Equal[a_, b_] -> a /. val2


fFvec[t11_, t13_, t21_, t23_][t31_, t33_] := Evaluate[fvec.fvec]


sol2 = FindMinimum[
  fFvec[t11, t13, t21, t23][0, 0], {{t11, .1}, {t13, .2}, t21, t23}, 
  MaxIterations -> 1500]
eqns0 /. Equal -> List /. val2 /. {t31 -> 0, t33 -> 0} /. sol2[[2]]
% // Chop
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

There is a severe error in the code above, so I did it again.

Although I think your system has a lot of different solutions I think I have at least found one (for t31 = 0 and t33 = 0 ). See notebook attached.

I suggest to look carefully at the notebook before running it. It could well be that the procedure fails when using other random numbers to start with

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Sorry sir. I suppose you have given your answer for the previous question. Here are my equations to be solved.

Y1 = 0.02;
l1 = 0.0172;
lambda = {0.0713, 0.0688,  0.0665};
b1 = 0.1170;
b3 = 0.1252;
t21 = (2*pi/lambda(1))*l2; 
t31 = (2*pi/lambda(1))*l3; 
t23 = (2*pi/lambda(3))*l2; 
t33 = (2*pi/lambda(3))*l3; 
t11 = (2*pi/lambda(1))*l1;
t13 = (2*pi/lambda(3))*l1;
t11*Y1 + t21*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t21]^2/Sec[t11]^2) + t31*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t31]^2/Sec[t11]^2)-b1==0,
t13*Y1 + t23*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t23]^2/Sec[t13]^2) + t33*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t33]^2/Sec[t13]^2)-b3==0};

and t21,t31,t23,t33 are in terms of variables l2 and l3. The four unkNowns to be found are Y2,Y3,L2,L3. So I have used NMinimize to find Y2,Y3,l2,l3.

NMinimize[Norm[Map[First, eqns]],{Y2,Y3,l2,l3}]

But its not giving me the correct solution. If there are more than one solution, which function can show all the solutions of the equations?

Are you sure that there is a solution?

This should give your equations

eqs = Table[ Sum[Cos[j a[i]], {i, 5}] == KroneckerDelta[j, 1], {j, 1, 12, 2}]

I think, if you know the cosines you (in a certain sense) know the alphas, so i go upon the cosines

eqs1 = (Expand[     eqs /. Cos[j_ x_] :> TrigExpand[Cos[j  x]] /.       Sin[x_] :> Sqrt[1 - Cos[x]^2]]) /. Cos[a[j_]] :> c[j];
eqs1 // TableForm

Renamend the c[i] gives

eqs2 = eqs1 /. {c[1] -> x, c[2] -> y, c[3] -> z, c[4] -> u, c[5] -> v};
% // TableForm

There is a solution (are there others? I think yes) for the 2nd eqaution, but not for the others

eqs2 /. {x -> (3/4)^(1/2), y -> (3/4)^(1/2), v -> (3/4)^(1/2),   z -> (3/4)^(1/2), u -> (3/4)^(1/2)}

And, by the way, you have 6 equations

Length /@ {eqs, eqs1, eqs2}

for 5 alphas

eqs /. Cos[x_.  a[i_]] -> a[i] /. Equal[x__, y_] -> x /.   Plus -> List // Union
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

I also have a similar problem of solving transcendental equations. I used

NMinimize[Norm[Map[First, eqns]],{Y2,Y3,l2,l3}]

but its not giving me the correct results. Here are the equations to be solved.

eqns={2*Y1*Tan[t11]+Y2*Tan[t21]+Y3*Tan[t31]==0,2*Y1*Tan[t13]+Y2*Tan[t23]+Y3*Tan[t33]==0,  t11*Y1 + t21*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t21]^2/Sec[t11]^2) + 
  t31*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t31]^2/Sec[t11]^2)-b1==0, t13*Y1 + t23*(Y2/2)*(Sec[t23]^2/Sec[t13]^2) + t33*(Y3/2)*(Sec[t33]^2/Sec[t13]^2)-b3==0};

All the ts(t21,t31,t23,t33) are in terms of variables l2 and l3. Others are known constants.

Posted 9 years ago

wow, Bill Simpson honestly you are a genius. Thanks a lot

POSTED BY: Muhammad Afzal
Posted 9 years ago

In your notebook If I look carefully at

Norm[Map[First, eqns]]

I notice a Null glaring at me in there and that is a very bad thing.

Just looking at eqns won't help you find this because it will be almost invisible, but If I carefully search


then I find where the Null is hiding. With this information I see there is a tiny almost invisible extra amount of space between ?2 and Degree in the first equation. Trying to use the delete key to delete that Null resists my efforts, but when I scrape another ?2 Degree and paste that over the ?2 Null Degree then it gets rid of the Null.

After fixing that mistake then in a fraction of a second I get

In[10]:= NMinimize[Norm[Map[First, eqns]], {?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5}]

Out[10]= {0.188495, {?1->55.5012, ?2->-52.2313, ?3->35.9363, ?4->26.3343, ?5->17.6706}}
POSTED BY: Bill Simpson

if you post your code using FindMinimum, we may be able to figure out the problem.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
Posted 9 years ago

Hi, Frank Kampas, i've tried FindRoot but its not working as well.

POSTED BY: Muhammad Afzal

FindRoot is probably your best bet.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
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