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SystemDialogInput issues

Posted 8 years ago

I need to import a sound using SystemDialogInput["RecordSound"] for a class. Once I record the 2 second sound (approx), Mathematica sits "running" forever and I never get the output box as shown in the documentation, regardless of whether I use 11khz or 44 khz. what is going on? How long does this function take?

POSTED BY: frances luse
2 Replies

I'm not sure why this isn't working for you. It works fine on other machines without much wait.

Have you restarted Mathematica and tried it again?

If this doesn't work, I would recommend contacting Wolfram Technical Support ( It'll help for them to know some basics about your computer and what version you are using.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

You might add more detail of exactly what you did and what sort of hardware and code you are using.

POSTED BY: Moderation Team
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