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Entering code in NDSolve for solution of Foucault Pendulum with RungeKu?

Posted 8 years ago

How specifying data is code in the WolframAlpha Pro window. How avoid the limit in the caracters length ?The use of the paste and copy seems truncated. The interpreter is not understanding what is typed. Here is what is to be interpreted as instructions. I would like to plot the perihely of the ellipse solution for about 1000 seconds. ( and not one as specified {t, 0,1} g=9.8; l=16; AI=30 [Degree]; a=10^-6;

sol = NDSolve[{
   x''[t] == -g/l x[t] + a/l Cos[2 AI], 
   y''[t] == -g/l y[t] + a/l Sin[2 AI],
   x[0]==1., x'[0]==0, y[0]==y'[0]==0.}, {x, y}, {t, 0, 1}, 
   Method -> "ExplicitRungeKutta"];
ParametricPlot[Evaluate[{x[t], y[t]} /. sol], {t, 0, 1}]

Thank you to Bill Simpson for the previous reply.

2 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Thank you for the response. But in fact the 2 equations are not independent. Here above , I have simplified, omitting in the second member the y(t) coefficient and x[t] sin[2A]iof a/l and idem for the second equation with a second member coupling x[t]sin[2Ai] and y[t]cos [2Ai]. The nominal solution solved by method of variable constant is known and obtained with complex x+iy. I would liked to compare the numerical solution. I have noticed your idea of integrating the parameters and try to solve in different steps. Apparently, I am not allowed to use the notebook file .nb to enter the code..and limited to 140 caracters .

That is not what I understood in subscribing Wolfram standard formula ( 60+ 288€.). and an appeal for the PRO Premium formula..

POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 8 years ago

Your two equations as given seem to be independent of each other.

Use WolframAlpha in two steps.

First substitute the values for your parameters and solve the differential equations

solve the de

Second use those two solutions for parametric plot

plot the system

Perhaps you can adapt this method for your purpose.

POSTED BY: Bill Simpson
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