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Avoid overlapping palettes in MMA 10.4.1?

Posted 8 years ago

Greetings all.

This is a problem that I solved ages ago, and now it has reappeared for some unknown reason. Life is short: maybe somebody will have an answer.

When I open a MMA 10.4.1 session, there are (amongst other things) two palettes: Algebraic Manipulation, and Basic Math Input. That's ok: I want these palettes, BUT they appear one on top of the other. It's a minor irritation. This has occurred before (ages ago) in a previous MMA edition, and I was able then to change the behaviour so that they appeared one under the other. Unfortunately, I've forgotten how I did it. :( I've done a search of Options and a couple of other things. Still no joy. Can anybody provide a solution to this little dilemma?


POSTED BY: Michael Hill
9 Replies

Strange thing, is that my first approach up above works for me. AnywayÂ… I will look into it some more later on.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

There may be other options in these pallets that are making them not editable. I will take a look at this later today when I have some time. Also, if necessary, I will submit a bug reports.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 8 years ago


Thank you muchly for your efforts.


POSTED BY: Michael Hill

The palettes in question are missing the option

ClosingAutoSave -> True

and that is the reason for the behavior, I believe.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 8 years ago

Thanks David.

Maybe it's the case that your suggestion has brought to light another of the glaring gaps in my understanding of how things work. Indeed, both of the palettes originally mentioned have ClosingAutoSave -> False, but when I attempt to change False to True, MMA 10.4.1 won't let me: it rejects the change when I click Apply. This is rather tiresome.


POSTED BY: Michael Hill

This is strange because the palettes I've designed for my various applications all remember their new position and state, but the WRI palettes no longer do. (Version 10.4.1) My palette expressions all take the form:

  WindowTitle -> "PresentationsPalette",
  WindowSize -> {All, Fit},
  WindowElements -> {"MagnificationPopUp"},
  WindowFrameElements -> {"CloseBox"}];

so I'm not doing anything special to remember their state. This seems to be another feature lost between versions and can probably be easily fixed by WRI.

Posted 8 years ago

Thanks David.

I have looked through the Options for both palettes, and what you use is pretty much what's set in the respective palettes. It's a mystery.


POSTED BY: Michael Hill

Yes, the palettes should reopen to the positions they were at the last time you closed them... but they clearly don't...


In a fresh Mathematica session, open both palettes and position them where you want them.

Then in a notebook execute

NotebookSave /@ Notebooks[]

The saving dialog for that notebook will come up and you can click on Cancel on that. But now your palettes should be saved in the positions that you placed them at.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 8 years ago


Thank you for your suggestion. unfortunately, it didn't work for me.


POSTED BY: Michael Hill
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