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Avoid Plot return the text "-Graphics-"?

Posted 8 years ago

Hi, New Mathematica user here. My output is not a graph, but the text "-Graphics-". I'm running Win10 64bit system. My suspicion is it's related to the laptop capabilities.


In[1]:= Plot[{Sin[x], Sin[x]^2}, {x, -2 Pi, 2 Pi}]

Out[1]= -Graphics-


POSTED BY: Faith Newsome
8 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Hi Faith,

It may be due to your settings. See if this fixes the problem:

POSTED BY: Daniel Jordan
Posted 8 years ago

My Edit menu is limited to "Copy", "Paste", "Font", and "Interrupt". I've searched and have been unsuccessful in accessing this menu option. Looking for the decoder to access the settings menu.

POSTED BY: Faith Newsome
Posted 8 years ago


Found it (it's buried). However, my settings are the same as referenced in your link. Any other ideas?


POSTED BY: Faith Newsome

Are you running Mathematica on a Raspberry Pi?

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

You are running the kernel directly (aka the "command-line interface"). Appearance of graphics requires the user interface (aka "front end") as well. Alternatively, load


before plotting. It will render plots in a pop-up window.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
Posted 8 years ago

I am running the kernal file (i believe). How do I access the front end? I loaded java graphics but no luck.

POSTED BY: Faith Newsome

In Windows 10:

Start -> All apps -> Wolfram Mathematica -> Wolfram Mathematica 11

Not sure if this will help, but maybe try quitting kernel, restarting, then immediately do


I seem to recall having some trouble when I loaded it after having computed a Plot. Not sure this will solve the problem though. An indication of how one might do this is given by @Valeriu Ungureanu.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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