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DateListPlot with two TimeSeries (e.g. Min & MaxTemperature) and Filling

I'd like to use DateListPlot to graph two TimeSeries on the same graph, filling between the two plots. For instance, if I have the following two TimeSeries:

ksyrMinMax = WeatherData["KSYR",#,{{2015,1,1},{2015,12,31},"Month"}]&/@{"MinTemperature","MaxTemperature"}

I can plot both TimeSeries on the same graph, and remove the line segments joining the points:


What I'd like to do is then connect the Minimum and Maximum temperatures for each date, using the Filling option for DateListPlot, but I can't figure out the syntax.

POSTED BY: Christopher Fox
2 Replies
POSTED BY: Christopher Fox

There is an example for this in the documentation for Filling under Scope/Filling Limits that suggests how to join the two sets of data points.

DateListPlot[ksyrMinMax, Joined -> False, Filling -> {1 -> {2}}]
POSTED BY: David Reiss
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