This is extremely confusing. For one, the notation is not correct Mathematica so nothing can be cut-and-pasted directly. Moreover, the thread suffers from "question creep", whereby the specifics keep changing to the point where it is difficult to figure out any more what is the question under consideration. Also there seems to be no effort, or at least none shown, to adapt responses into actual RSolve
code (this does not add to the confusion, but is nonetheless discouraging for what I think are obvious reasons).
Here is something that probably does what is needed, albeit in I am sure the wrong notation (but see remark on "question creep"). We get away from the odd/even issue by separating into two functions; this idea also seems to have been in some of the prior posts (again, see remark on "question creep").
a[n_] := .0794367 (.460811)^n + .255972 (-.675131)^
n + .664591 (3.21432)^n;
rv =
RSolveValue[{b[n] == c[n] + c[n - 1] + 2*a[n],
c[n] == b[n - 1] + c[n - 2], c[0] == 1, c[1] == 5}, {b[n], c[n]}, n]
(* Out[204]= {2.9999999999999982*2.^n +
Piecewise[{{(0.32057243726157714*(-675131.)^n +
0.055654497058256*460811.^n -
1.7999987988497759*E^(14.508657738524217*n) +
n > 1.}}, (0.5119440000000001*(-675131.)^n +
0.15887340000000003*460811.^n +
E^(13.815510557964275*n)] -
2.9999999999999982*2.^n*UnitStep[-1.*n] +
n], (-1.0000005443826219*(-0.3977012401567452*(-675131.)^n*
E^(0.7747672983575988*n) +
0.03256025590597696*E^(13.815510557964275*n) +
1.*(-1.)^n*E^(14.590277856321874*n) -
1.9999989112353476*2.^n*E^(14.590277856321874*n) +
1.1999985459748292*E^(15.283425036881816*n) -
E^(14.590277856321874*n)} *)
Check the result numerically:
Table[rv, {n, 0, 6}]
(* Out[206]= {{1.9999994 + C[1], 1.}, {9.9999976319, 5.}, {29.9999920347,
10.9999976319}, {89.9999745305, 34.9999920347}, {277.999927528,
100.999972162}, {869.999809803, 312.999919563}, {2749.99955564,
970.999781965}} *)