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Thirty Distinct Rectangle Polyhedron

Posted 8 years ago

A cuboid makes use of three rectangles, each used twice. Is it possible to make a polyhedron where all the rectangles are distinct?

I found a 30 rectangle solution.

thirty rectangle polyhedron

Here's some raw data for that image:


Textures can be used to put the size of each rectangle on the appropriate face.

obj = Graphics3D[
      Image[Rasterize[Style[dat[[n, 1]], 40], RasterSize -> 1200]]], 
     Polygon[dat[[n, 2]], 
      VertexTextureCoordinates -> dat[[n, 3]]]}, {n, 1, 30}], 
   Lighting -> "Neutral", Boxed -> False, SphericalRegion -> True, 
   ImageSize -> {500, 500}, ViewAngle -> Pi/9];

Then I just need to make a row of the graphics, and turn them to make an appropriate image.

Row[{obj, obj}]

My method for finding this was to look at polycubes. A cuboid has three repeats, so a solution made of cuboids would require that each touch three others. The L-polycube doesn't necessarily repeat any rectangles, but has two non-rectangular faces that need to be broken. There might be a L-cuboid solution where each touches 2 others. It exists, but needs 30 rectangles. I made the below function for it. I then had Mathematica do a large random search, and the input {4, 1, 3, 5, 2, 3, 2, 6, 2, 1, 4, 4, 1, 3, 1} seemed like the optimal solution.


Is there a solution with fewer rectangles? Is there a solution that uses an entire set (sans blanks) of domino-based rectangles, such as the 36 in the double-8 set?

Union[Sort /@ Tuples[Range[8], {2}]]

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