I have the following output of Reduce:
(kp < 5/11 &&
0 < k < (-519020 + 69999 kp)/(1120 (-5 + 11 kp)^2) + (
463 Sqrt[(1259600 - 352040 kp + 37249 kp^2)/(-5 + 11 kp)^4])/
1120) || (kp == 5/11 && 0 < k < 876469/37514575) || (kp > 5/11 &&
0 < k < (-519020 + 69999 kp)/(1120 (-5 + 11 kp)^2) + (
463 Sqrt[(1259600 - 352040 kp + 37249 kp^2)/(-5 + 11 kp)^4])/
How can I plot the result?
There is a similar question on the web where it is suggested that ConditionalExpressions or Piecewise would help, but I could not get anything of them.
Many thanks.