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A toy Wolfram Language interpreter in Haskell

POSTED BY: Yonghao Jin
6 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

That's cool, but I hope you do not run into legal troubles. According to the mathematica eula, under "ownership", they see their language as part of their product's IP and don't grant anyone to use its distinctive features outside of the product.

POSTED BY: Harald Schilly

Well, this project seems to live on: Mathics: A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica

Mathics is a free, general-purpose online computer algebra system featuring Mathematica-compatible syntax and functions. It is backed by highly extensible Python code, relying on SymPy for most mathematical tasks.

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

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Well done! This is a rather major endeavour! is this just for fun? or do you have serious intensions to 'rebuild' Mathematica :o

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Thanks for your response! It is just for fun, a serious 'rebuild' requires farrrr more expertise and effort:).

POSTED BY: Yonghao Jin

You already implemented pattern matching which is one of the hardest parts I presume ;)

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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