User Portlet
My name is Yonghao Jin (???), a senior undergraduate from Department of Physics, Universiy of Science and Technology of China (USTC), majored in Applied Physics with concentration in Biophysics.
I have a diverse backgrounds in physics, computer science and biology. Having attended a complete undergraduate training in physics, I acquired a strong quantitative foundation and I am able to use math as a tool to analyze and address complicate problems. I was first introduced to the world of computer science when I joined the informatics olympiad team in high school. Having spent nearly seven years in programming, I am adept in many programming contexts. In addition to completing the National Olympiad Informatics in Province with the first prize, I also wrote programming language interpreters, pipelines for analyzing high throughput sequencing data, physics simulation programs, computer games and so on. My recent project is a Mathematica language interpreter mmaclone. Due to my concentration in biophysics, the required courses in biology covered many interesting topics in life sciences, molecular biology, theoretical neurology and biochemistry, just to name a few. These interesting courses provided me with sufficient knowledge and understanding in biological processes.
I love the feeling of doing research. Currently, I am trying to integrate different sequencing-based RNA probing data to understand the binding preference of RNA binding proteins (RBP) under the supervision of Prof. Kun Qu. I feel that my backgrounds set me in a unique position to apply statistics, mathematics and computer science to deciphering and interpreting the big data in life sciences. I am applying for Ph.D. programs in the fall of 2017.