I have hopefully a simple question. (I'm using home version of Mathematica 7)
If define a simple complex matrix
test = {{a + Ib, b + Ic}, {d + Ie, e + If}}
and do a simple replacement
test /. {e -> 1, f -> 2}
How come the complex parts using the symbols e and f are not replaced? The above yields
{{a + Ib, b + Ic}, {d + Ie, 1 + If}}
If I do something simple
test2 = a + I b
test2 /. {a -> 4, b -> 2}
Yields: 4 + 2 I
as expected, but if I call up the [[2,2]] element of the array above and try the ReplaceAll it doesn't work
test6 = test[[2, 2]]
Yields: e + If
test6 /. {e -> 3, f -> 5}
Yields: 3 + If
So how come the complex part doesn't get replaced? How can I do this replacement?