I further updated the code to be more smart for large n:
$HistoryLength = 1;
ClearAll[DividePerfectSquarePairs, DividePerfectSquarePairsRecurse, SquareQ, PureQ, VisualizePairs]
SquareQ[n_Integer] := SquareQ[n] = IntegerQ[Sqrt[n]]
PureQ[l_List] := (l === Range[1, Length[l]])
DividePerfectSquarePairsRecurse[pairs_List, left_List] := Module[{cand, n, t, newpairs},
If[PureQ[left] \[And] Length[left] >= 62,
n = Length[left];
t = SelectFirst[Range[n], SquareQ[# + n] \[And] OddQ[#] \[And] # >= 25 &];
newpairs = {Range[t, t + ((n - t) - 1)/2], Reverse@Range[t + ((n - t) - 1)/2 + 1, n]};
DividePerfectSquarePairsRecurse[Join[Transpose[newpairs], pairs], Range[t - 1]]
If[Length[left] > 2,
Do[cand = {left[[1]], left[[i]]};
DividePerfectSquarePairsRecurse[Append[pairs, cand],
Delete[left, {{1}, {i}}]]
{i, 2, Length[left]}
Throw[Append[pairs, left]];
DividePerfectSquarePairs[n_Integer?EvenQ] := Module[{},
If[SquareQ[n + 1],
Transpose[{Range[1, n/2], Range[n, n/2 + 1, -1]}]
Catch[DividePerfectSquarePairsRecurse[{}, Range[n]]; Missing[]]
DividePerfectSquarePairs[n_Integer?OddQ] := Missing[]
VisualizePairs[sol : {{_Integer, _Integer} ..}] :=
Module[{numbers, len, pos, angles, txts, lines, colors},
numbers = Union @@ sol;
colors = ColorData[109] /@ (Sqrt[Total[sol, {2}]] - 1);
len = Length[numbers];
pos = Reverse[CirclePoints[{0.0, 0.0}, {1.5, \[Pi]/2 + \[Pi]/len}, len]];
angles = If[#1 < 0, -{##}, {##}] & @@@ pos;
txts = MapThread[Text[#1, #2, {0, 0}, #3] &, {numbers, pos, angles}];
lines = Association[Thread[numbers -> pos]];
lines = Map[lines, sol, {2}];
lines = 0.9 {#1, {0, 0}, #2} & @@@ lines;
Graphics[{txts, Thick, Riffle[colors, BezierCurve /@ lines]}, ImageSize -> 300, PlotRange -> 1.6]
It can now easily handle n=1000 or even much much bigger (for fun I tried 10^6 and it found the solution in ~19 seconds). It does so by finding a low m (but not too low) such that m....a and a+1 ... n can form pairs that form squares. This reduces then the problem from finding a solution for n, to finding a solution for m-1 (because m...n are 'eliminated').
So now one can type in:
and quickly get the visual:
Notice that the problem is quickly reduced to a problem for n = 38. For which we use the old method. One could hard-code the solution for n=2...60 and then this function will be nearly instantaneous for all n (except those that can't be split up).