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Set position interface when switching from diagram view to icon view in SM?

Posted 8 years ago


Why the interfaces defined in the diagram view and the ones generated in the icon view are not positioned in the same way? It seems that the position of the interfaces in the icon view correspond to the place where I initially dropped the elements...

POSTED BY: Romain Pinquié
3 Replies

Thank's for the feedback, Romain!

POSTED BY: Jan Brugard

Hi Jan,

Thanks for your answer. I get your point. Although in your diagram view the interfaces are not placed along the border, they are not that far off... According to their function, I still believe that interfaces should be placed along the border, and it's quite annoying and time-consuming to place (position, rotate) them twice : in the diagram view and in the icon view. The best solution to satisfy both modelling approaches is to have an option to tick for synchronising or not diagrams and icon view.

POSTED BY: Romain Pinquié

Hi, the interfaces are placed in the same position as you first placed them in the diagram view. The reason that they don't move along in the icon layer when you mode them on the diagram layer is that most often you do not want to have the same position . In the icon view you typically want connectors along the border, while in the diagram view you typically want to have the connector closer to the actual inside connector (component) it is connected to (especially for larger model diagrams). I have attached screenshots from IntroductoryExamples.Systems.Components.Pendulum as an example of icon vs diagram.

POSTED BY: Jan Brugard
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