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Connect an Arduino to Mathematica: cannot open port

Posted 8 years ago

Hi all

Trying to connect an Arduino to Mathematica, and noticing I have Mathematca 10.20 and Arduino IDE 1.6.3 installed, I tried to use the built-in Mathematica Arduino driver mentioned at the top of this thread.

For some reason I'm not able to identify, I can't have it working. Arduino -a Mega 2560- is well on COM4 and functional...but Mathematica won't open the port:

arduinodata = DeviceOpen["Arduino", "COM4,"];

results in:

Get::noopen: Cannot open GeneralUtilities`. >>
Needs::nocont: Context GeneralUtilities` was not created when Needs was evaluated. >>
Get::noopen: Cannot open GeneralUtilitiesLoader`. >>
StringExpression::invld: Element GeneralUtilities`Seq[] is not a valid string or pattern element in GeneralUtilities`Seq[]. >>
StringExpression::invld: Element GeneralUtilities`Seq[] is not a valid string or pattern element in GeneralUtilities`Seq[]. >>
SerialLink`SerialPortOpen::nopen: Could not open the port COM4,.

Note that I am using an Arduino Mega 2560! So not an Uno, nor an Yun. Could this be it?

POSTED BY: Ioan Alexandre
3 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Ian.

POSTED BY: Ioan Alexandre


Yes, you are correct in that the Arduino Mega is not supported, only the Yun and the Uno are supported.

Thanks, Ian

POSTED BY: Ian Johnson

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