User Portlet User Portlet

I work with Mathematica 7 and I would like to try the ADD-On "Descarta2D". A nice but old add-on , not updated after Mathematica 8. As far as I could find on the web there is a version of Descarta2D that works with Mathematica 7. I would like...
ContourPlot[(x - y)/(x + y), {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}, **Exclusions -> {x + y == 0}**, Automatic, Frame -> True, Axes -> Automatic, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesStyle -> GrayLevel[0.5], PlotPoints -> 200, ContourLabels ->...
I have this quotiënt split in partial fractions as following : (s^2 + 3) / ((s - 1)^2 (s + 1)) == A1 / (s - 1) + A2 / (s - 1)^2 + A3 / (s + 1) Is there an easy way to find the constants ? I tried several things with Solve but without...
A collegue of mine is on holiday from Amsterdam to Miami. Just for fun I would like to plot the great circle through the center of the earth going through Amsterdam and Miami. I tried to do that with GeoGraphics/Geopath, but for both came the...
I fill a matrix “Estimate” in a module (See code snippet}. I follow the filling of the matrix with “TracePrint[Estimate[[j,i]]” and the matrix is filling nicely with expected values. But somehow in the “Official Output” ( so to speak) the text...
I have a list with zero’s separated by ones and I want to count the zero’s between the ones. I tried pure functions but in the wrong way. Can anybody give me a solution? (Needless to say that I am not very experience in Mathematica.) In[23]:=...
I am new to Mathematica and I have a problem with the "For" statement. I am often in doubt where to place a "," or a ";". I am stuck with the following : I want to generate random points in a unit circle with the following function : ...
A matrix with numbers and strings to row echelon form? See attached. A.Geera
Hello, Maybe somebody can help me with a problem I encountered when studying the book of Wellin “Prog in Mathem”. In chapter 11 he explains Dynamic Modules and he gives a few examples. At the end of the chapter are the problems. This is one of...
Can anybody give me some help with this : I have results of NSolve for the solution of the roots from a polynomial. But there you have all the "->" (Rules). I would like to convert to a list structure with just the numeric part , but I have not...