User Portlet User Portlet

I would definitely check out the ability to create webforms with FormFunctions. Your students don't need to have a M- license. And you would just need a low tier of the development platform (or Mathematica if you wanted to work offline). You can do...
At a hackathon trying to help some students. They want to send an image via an Instant API. How do they do that programmatically? Thanks!
Super cool! Thanks for sharing Bernat!
Throughout this week I've been running around visiting 10 classes across three elementary schools for the [Hour of Code][1]. On Day 4, I gave a similar workshop to a group of high school students. I wanted to see if I could use the same materials in...
Day 3 of volunteering to support the local community for the [Hour of Code][1] went great! I visited a 3rd and 4th grade class as well as hosted a workshop at Wolfram HQ in the evening for about 100 people. Here's a picture of the event we hosted, it...
It's [Computer Science week][1] and I'm volunteering at local schools to support the [Hour of Code][2]. Today was Day 2 and I visited two 4th grade and four 5th grade classes. Here are the kiddos that I worked with today: ![enter image description...
Yes, you'll get access to all the explorations. And by signing in, you'll be able to save your progress on the activities as well.
Hi Alexander, The hour of code is a global event, although it has a greater impact in the US. There is a way to sign up as a volunteer on the Hour of Code website: For the most part those teachers that are...
I'd be interested to see if there was an iPhone version of Tasker as well. Thanks!
Excellent application! Thanks for sharing!