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Dear Daniel, Thank you for the reply. I have found the answer myself: Integrate[Sqrt[1 - s^2]/(x - s), {s, -1, 1}, Assumptions -> {-1 True] will give the output Pi x. I think it's related to something about being an improper...
Dear Henrik, Thanks for the help! I tried your code and it worked like magic. Although I don't really get the logic behind this trick. I tried to change the Refine to Simplify: Simplify[Reduce[2 a^2 - r^2 + r^2 Cos[2 \[Phi]] > 0, a, ...
Thanks for the reply. I am aware of MMA capabilities of manually track solutions with code. But I still wish they could make it simpler by adding a simple built-in function like TrackSolving[NDSolve[...]] instead of having us to implement it. ...
Hi, If you just want to solve the equations, why not use the built-in NDSolve function? Here is how I would do this: lagrangian = 1/2 (x'[t]^2 + y'[t]^2) + 1/Sqrt[x[t]^2 + y[t]^2]; eq = Table[ D[lagrangian, x1] -...
Neil, I am using MMA 11.0.1. I have tried a few times but the error message is still there. One question I still have is how not simplifying of the equation can avoid the problem, i.e., how to avoid integrating the derivative of theta (thPrime)...
That is exactly what I want to do! Now I understand where I got it wrong. Thank you!
Like, I have defined a function in Mathematica, how can I export it as a component to SystemModeler? Something similar to this: