User Portlet User Portlet

Oh yes, on 12.3.1 it made a **HUGE** improvement! The time went down from 7.67 to just 3.21 seconds, which is practically the same as 12.2, though still not as good as 11.3. Thank you very much for the workaround. Actually, I should have guessed it...
Thank you very much for the replies.
Rohit, Thank you for your suggestion, but the use of Symbolize[] from Notation package seems irrelevant here, as it would turn the subscripted function into an atomic symbol, but the task at hand requires the actual dependency on the subscript...
Thank you, yes, both versions work fine: In[4]:= Sqrt[a+I*b]*Conjugate[1/Sqrt[a-I*b]] // ComplexExpand[#, TargetFunctions->Conjugate] & // Simplify[#, Assumptions->{a>0,b>0}] & Out[4]= 1 In[5]:=...
I am given a list of characters with repetitions, e.g. {"a", "a", "a", "c", "e", "e", "k", "m", "n", "s", "t"} and I need to find valid sentences built from these and only these letters, e.g. the sentence "man eats cake" is one such valid sentence...
I also had the same issue and thanks to Dietmar's post I discovered the solution. But it is NOT to set Formatting Options->Font Options->FontProperties to "Automatic" (this seems to have no effect at all), but to set it to a specific value like 116....
Thank you. Actually, that is a very reasonable explanation! :)
Ah.... I understand now! Thank you very much for the explanation. Yes, now everything makes sense! :) If I didn't jump to the conclusion that this is specific to evaluation in the notebook, i.e. if I tried to reproduce it in the terminal-based...
Thank you, that is a very useful function. So, is the conclusion that this behaviour of TransitiveClosureGraph[] function is expected and not a bug? I just want to know that I can trust this function not to drop something else as well, not just those...
Yes, I too find that Mathematica's Limit function is extremely powerful, i.e. able to handle almost anything I throw at it. It is more powerful than all the other systems that I ever worked with (Maxima, REDUCE, MuPAD). But it would be nice if it...