User Portlet User Portlet

You can use replacement rules. The rule depends on what sorts of integrals you have and the way you write them. Suppose that you write the integration region with the syntax `Element[{x,y},ImplicitRegion[inequalitites,{x,y}]]`. Then you can do this...
Looks fantastic, this is just what I need for recent work. However, the current algorithm is unable to find some denesting result even when one truly exists, e.g. ones related to non-algebraic numbers and transcendental functions, like this below: ...
Thanks. The `TraditionalForm` trick is useful though imperfect. I agree on you that rearranging expressions in exactly the way I want is truly complicated.
In Mathematica,the inverse hyperbolic functions are displayed with the prefix "Arc" like "ArcSinh[]", which I thought incorrect and misleading. Since the hyperbolic angle is defined by the area of the hyperbolic triangle rather than the arclength of...