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I just realized that your data have 500,000 points and most of them cary no meaningful information because of almost zero "background" intensity. I would suggest filtering data based on higher intensity - and plotting only those. Something like the... |
Lets simulate some data distributed for example normally:data = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[3, 2.5], 10^4]; We can use so called SmoothKernelDistribution to build a general smooth distribution curve[mcode]SKD =... |
I am impressed how well the web page of that blog is designed. The links in the text affect and switch the images and M-code in the blog. Kudos goes to Antonio for such a brilliant educational creative work. So many young people online gave positive... |
Yes, this exactly what I need, thank you! I have 2 questions. [list] [*]Changing 2nd number here {1, 10} changes ring's width. But 1st number does not influence anything. What is it for? I guess this is what "a bit of a hack" referes to? [*]I tried... |
Jake, you are most welcome, I am glad to help. Just a note - it was not me who wrote the program, - the author's name is Pedro Faria. That site you downloaded the program from is a publication site hosted by Wolfram Research. There are many people... |
This does not use Mathematica or Wolfram|Alpha but may be it can help you with figuring out algorithms: [url=]A fully automatic problem solver with human-style output[/url] |
This is great, - exactly what I was hoping for. Nice trick with ImageData and Position ;-) My colleagues and I applied this to a few other plots – works perfectly, thank you! |
I am currently researching dynamics of atomic clusters. Part of a problem depends on determining analytic behavior of solutions to the following non-linear system of two equations [mcode]sol = Solve[{ b1 y^2 + b2 y + b3 z^2 + b4 z + b5 y z == A1,... |